McKenzie, Cooper - Saving Chloe (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 3
“Open yer shirt, darlin’. I want ta see those beautiful tits ye’ve got hidden away,” he demanded through gritted teeth.
* * * *
As soon as the head of Declan’s cock entered her, a sense of peace wrapped around Chloe. She sighed with a soul-deep contentment once she was settled fully down over him. He was long and thick and filled her to just this side of pain. It felt so good.
When he ordered her to bare her breasts, she hesitated only a moment before reaching for the buttons of her blouse. As she worked the buttons to her waistband free, and then unhooked the front clasp of her bra, she tried not to move the rest of her body, though it was the biggest challenge of her life.
Once she’d shoved the cups of her bra out of the way, she arched her back to raise her tits. “What do you think?”
“Beautiful,” he said before dropping his head forward to lick at one nipple, and then the other, “and yummy.”
At that, Declan took one erect nipple into his mouth and began to suck and nip and lick. Pulsations of heat and electricity shot from where he touched straight into her. Unable to hold still any longer, Chloe planted her hands on his shoulders and began to slide up and down.
She kissed the top of his head and began to move on him faster when he turned his attention to the other breast and gave it the same loving. She sighed when he released that nipple and looked up at her with eyes flashing sexual fire.
“Push your breasts together. I want to suck both nipples at once,” he ordered, his voice low and seductive. His large hands that had been roaming up and down her thighs slid back and under her ass to take over control of her ride.
Chloe made a sound as she released his shoulders and moved her hands to press her tits toward each other. She gasped when Declan opened his mouth and sucked both nipples deep inside. He batted at them with his tongue as he sucked even more of each mound into his mouth. When he bit them, she felt a sharp stabbing into the skin just above each nipple. Then he began to suckle hard, pulling blood from her body as well as the skin of her breasts. The pain, added to the pleasure of his cock pistoning in and out of her, sent her over the top.
Her entire body tightened just before exploding into a white light that filled her from the inside out. She dropped her head so her open mouth was pressed against his shoulder, to keep from waking the neighborhood with her screams of completion.
The muscles of her pussy clenched and rippled as Declan moved her hips even faster up and down his shaft. As her orgasm rolled through her, she felt him thicken even more. He pulled her down one last time then cried his own release around the breasts still filling his mouth.
He gently pulled his teeth from her skin and licked at each spot before kissing each nipple then lifting his head and kissing her lips. “God, that was incredible,” he breathed as his arms came out from under her skirt to wrap around her back and hold her securely against his chest.
“Mmmm,” she managed as she melted against him.
He turned his head, and they kissed. Soft, gentle kisses soothed even as they began to arouse her again. Though she felt his cock soften slightly inside her, she hoped she wouldn’t have to move for about a day and a half. All at once, she didn’t want to be separated from him even by the few layers of clothes they wore.
“Chloe! What the hell are you doing?”
Chapter 4
Declan looked over Chloe’s shoulder at the skinny blonde woman strutting her way across the neighbor’s lawn toward them. She looked like one of those Barbie dolls little girls loved to play with. She looked pissed and curious.
This must be Jasmine, one of the humans sucking his woman dry in the name of friendship.
He was glad she had waited until after he’d established the bond between them before showing up. He did not know if his marking Chloe’s breasts would keep these energy-sucking humans from harming his mate, but any other vampires in New Bern would now know that she was off-limits. She now carried his mark and his scent as a part of her being.
“Chloe?” she called again, this time sounding worried.
His mate took a deep breath and went rigid as she seemed to realize there was no way the other woman wouldn’t figure out what they’d just done. Was she preparing herself for something bad?
“What do ye want?” he asked, his voice cold and uninviting.
As he glared at the intruder, he rubbed a hand up and down Chloe’s spine to comfort her. She did not relax, but she didn’t pull away, either. Was she embarrassed at being caught? Or being caught with him?
Jasmine ignored him. “Chloe, what are you doing out here? By the way you spoke earlier, I figured you’d be asleep by now, but I’m glad you’re not. I wondered if I could snag a soda on my way home. I can’t believe you’re making out in the front yard where anyone can see you.” The woman continued running her mouth, not embarrassed or even caring that she had walked into and ruined a clearly intimate moment.
Chloe shifted in his arms, but he held her secure and still. No need to go flashing their bits and pieces to the human vampires. If she moved too much, she would either hurt him or he would be flashing his family jewels or her breasts, neither of which was appealing to him. As he held his woman, he could feel the sucking pull from the blonde woman and her demand for whatever Chloe would give her.
Feeling Chloe grow even more tense, Declan decided to make his stand right here and now. If he didn’t throw up some barriers, the human vampires would win. And that could not be allowed to happen.
They did not care about Chloe, her plans and dreams, or the fact that she worked two jobs to make ends meet. All they cared about was themselves and what she could give them in support of their having a good time. He made a silent vow that he would protect her from them. He would begin to cut away the sticky spiderweb they had wrapped around her as they sucked at her, draining her of everything she held dear.
“Away with ye, woman. Can’t ye see we’re busy?”
His growled words didn’t seem to make an impression on Jasmine. He didn’t know whether to be annoyed or amused when she stopped about ten feet away and planted her feet shoulder-width apart. Amusement won out when she canted her hips to the right and crossed her arms over her chest. That pushed her abundant, probably artificial breasts into even more prominence.
“Excuuuuuuse me?”
The woman’s face went ice cold, and she narrowed her eyes as she stared into his. One foot began to tap steadily in the grass. He had to bite the inside of his cheek when her head swiveled once on her neck in what had to be an often-used move.
“I said, go away,” Declan repeated in a tone that matched hers for its chill.
If it wasn’t against vampire as well as human law, he would drain the bitch in a minute for her badly timed intrusion. But then he would have to dispose of her body, and nowadays that was more difficult than even fifty years ago, when one could just take them out and dump them in the woods.
“I don’t know who you think you are, but that”—she pointed toward Chloe, who shifted to look over her shoulder—“is my friend. I need to talk to her, and though you’re cute, you are being a pain in the ass. Now release her and go away so we can talk.”
Her attitude was so demanding and condescending that Declan had to take a deep breath to calm himself. Though he wanted to show her attitude, vampire-style, he didn’t want to frighten Chloe. Not yet. It was too soon. If he let loose with fangs and claws and a little bloodletting, he would lose any chance of winning his mate.
“Declan.” Chloe patted his chest to pull his attention away from the blonde. “Let me talk to Jasmine,” she whispered too softly for the other woman to hear.
“Are ye sure, darlin’?”
Chloe nodded as she lifted the hand that had patted his chest to his cheek. She stroked it and smiled. “I’m sure. Just don’t go too far, okay?”
“Never again,” he said with a smile.
He looked at the woman and frowned. “Turn yer back, wench,” he said in the voic
e that he used to manipulate humans without their realizing what was being done. He’d been using it at a reduced wattage, but Jasmine seemed unaffected to this point. So he upped the power, something he never did with humans, but apparently had to with this woman.
Blinking, Jasmine frowned at him then whirled around and stared out at the street. He lifted Chloe off his lap and yanked his shorts and boxers up as his mate quickly hooked her bra and buttoned her blouse. With one last lingering kiss, he sat back down on the top step.
“Ye can turn back now,” he said with a smirk.
When Jasmine turned and glared at him, he lifted one eyebrow, just waiting for her to object to his continued presence in Chloe’s yard. Then he allowed his fangs to drop just enough that when he gave her a false smile, she saw them.
* * * *
As she slowly left Declan’s arms, she realized he was right. These so-called friends were human vampires. They sucked time, energy, and life right out of a person. Turning, she looked at Jasmine in a new light. As she approached the other woman on legs that felt like cooked noodles, she watched as Jasmine shot Declan a dirty look. Then the other woman blinked and looked almost frightened. When Chloe reached her side, Jasmine turned her back to the house, forcing Chloe to walk around her in order to talk face-to-face.
“What do you want, Jasmine?” Chloe asked.
Even if the other woman couldn’t make it out, she heard the tone that combined sated sleepiness with annoyed resignation. The editing had taken its toll, and fantastic sex with Declan had drained all her tension away. All at once, she really did feel completely drained—emotionally, spiritually, physically. Would it matter to her friend that sheer willpower was all that was keeping her on her feet?
Probably not. She answered her own question as she looked into Jasmine’s face. The woman had on her “I need a favor” expression. Chloe had learned during their first few meetings that what Jasmine wanted, Jasmine got. It did not matter to her how much whining or wheedling she had to use. In the end, she always won. Normally, Chloe found it easier to give the woman what she wanted the first time she asked instead of listening to her carry on.
“I wonder if I can bum a soda for the morning. We’re out, and I don’t get paid until next week.” Jasmine grabbed her arm again and pulled her all the way to the street.
“Yeah, sure, why not,” Chloe said with a sigh.
Turning back, she decided to make Jasmine wait outside while she fetched the requested soda. This was not the first soda her friend had “bummed” and no doubt would not be the last. Tonight, at least she could refuse Jasmine entry to her house. Otherwise, Jasmine would settle on the couch, and it would be another two hours before she left again, and it would not bother her that Declan was sitting on the porch steps waiting for her to leave.
“Who is that guy? And what were you doing kissing him? I thought you’d broken up with Bill and were giving up on men?” Jasmine just about drooled as she questioned Chloe.
“I did break up with Bill. That’s Declan,” Chloe said.
She walked away without saying anything further. She knew Jasmine would have a dozen more questions, but she didn’t want to give out any more information about the man she’d just had the most amazing sex with.
Not that she could share too much. After all, she had not learned much about Declan Flannery, other than he was good-looking, made love like a sex god, and recognized human vampires at fifty paces.
“Chloe?” Declan stood as they approached.
“I’m okay.” Chloe didn’t stop, but climbed the steps beside him, finding herself leaning heavily on the handrail. “I’ll be right back. Jasmine needs a soda. Then we can get back to what we were doing,” she said with a smile.
It took less than a minute for Chloe to retrieve a can of her favorite soda from the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and return to the porch.
“Good night, Jasmine. Enjoy the soda.”
“But, Chloe, I wanted to talk to you,” the woman whined.
“Not tonight. I’m tired, and Declan and I were talking,” Chloe said, not sure where the strength came from.
She had never been able to get the upper hand with Jasmine before. Glancing at Declan, she raised an eyebrow. Was he somehow infusing her with this ability to deal with Jasmine without giving in to her?
Finally, Jasmine got the not-so-subtle hint and slowly backed down the sidewalk. “I’ll drop by tomorrow to see how you’re doing,” she called over her shoulder as she headed home to her husband who was no doubt asleep by now.
Chloe stood on the sidewalk and watched for a moment to make sure Jasmine wouldn’t change her mind. Then she turned back and jumped. Instead of waiting on the stoop, Declan stood about five feet behind her.
“Want to really make the HVs crazy?” Declan said as she walked up and into his welcoming arms.
“Human vampires. Want to drive them crazy?” Declan wrapped his arms around her for a moment before dropping them to wrap one around her shoulders as he turned them toward his house.
“And how would we do that?”
“Spend the night at my house. That way they won’t be able to bother ye anymore tonight. Then in the morning, after ye’ve gotten a good sleep in me arms, ye can return home. With any luck, one or two of them will see ye crossin’ the street. When they start badgerin’ ye with questions, ye’ll jest have ta be strong like ye were with Jasmine just now.”
While Chloe was flattered and tempted by Declan’s suggestion, now that the fog of instant, intense sexual attraction had been satisfied, she felt confused and guilty. Her gut clenched, painfully telling her that in the long run, spending the night in this man’s bed might not be a good thing.
Besides, you still have another book to edit, her sensible side reminded her.
“I’m sorry, Declan, but I can’t tonight,” she forced herself to say as she took a step away from the body that felt so good wrapped around hers.
Before she could turn away, he grabbed her hand and pulled her back to stand beside him. Wrapping his arm around her, he held her close to his side as he walked her to her front door. He stopped at the bottom of the steps to her tiny porch and turned her to face him.
Looking deep into her eyes, he said, “It’s okay, darlin’. I understand. Sleep well and get yer work done tomorrow so that tomorrow night, when we’re together again, we can play without interruption.”
Chloe nodded then wondered why she had turned him down. It wasn’t like she had never spent the night with a man before after just meeting him. Why was she putting Declan off?
“Would you like to come in for a few minutes instead?” she asked, after Declan leaned down and brushed a gentle kiss across her lips.
He slid a hand around to hold her head still as his cheek brushed against hers until his lips were at her ear.
“Not tonight, my darlin’ Chloe, but soon. I see yer exhausted, and dealing with that woman has put me off as well. Now go inside and sleep well tonight,” he whispered in her ear before pulling back and looking into her eyes again. “I’ll see ye tomorrow once ye’ve finished yer work.”
Chloe relaxed and agreed immediately. “I’d like that. Good night.”
As she went inside, she pushed away the regret of turning down a night in Declan’s bed. Instead, she focused on everything she needed to do before she could be with him again. Peeking out the window in the living room, she watched as he stopped at her sidewalk, held out his arms, and stood there for more than a minute. She thought she heard him say something, but couldn’t be sure. Finally, he dropped his arms and continued across the street and into his house.
Only then did she step outside again.
Looking to the stars overhead, she said to whatever higher power might be listening, “Please, put up one of those deflector shields like they had on Star Trek to keep everyone away until I finish working tomorrow.”
Chapter 5
Chloe woke up feeling rested and relaxed and ready to ta
ckle a day of editing. Hopefully there weren’t too many problems and she could get both books turned in before the day was over.
Ten minutes later, as she ate breakfast while editing, someone knocked on the front door. She immediately recognized the solid, sharp thumps. Only one person had a knock with such attitude. What did Jasmine want this early in the morning?
Looking down at her oversized “Geek Snoopy” sleep shirt and shorts, she shrugged as she crossed to the front door and opened it.
“What’s up, Jasmine?” She didn’t smile or try to cover up the fact that she was still in her nightshirt. After all, it was early, and Jasmine was intruding, so what did she expect?
“Are you going to the farmer’s market today?” Jasmine asked as she pushed past Chloe and entered the house. “You’re not even dressed yet. What’s wrong?”
Chloe watched as the woman circled the living room as she always did, as if looking for clues to some mystery only she knew about. “I’m not going today. I’m spending the day working, though I think I’m coming down with a migraine.”
“Oh, you poor baby.” Jasmine stopped her snooping long enough to look at her. “You do look a bit peaked. Maybe you shouldn’t be making out with strange men so late at night. I don’t think you should see that man anymore. He’s not very friendly. Winston has invited him to several Porch People gatherings, but he always refuses. And I’ve never been able to read him like I do everyone else. It’s like he’s got no soul or something.”
Jasmine prided herself on being able to read people and tell whether or not they were inherently good or bad, liars, cheaters, or worse. Everyone she came into contact with heard about it and got read.
Chloe ground her back teeth together to keep from screaming for Jasmine to stop talking to her like she was a child. They hadn’t been making out. They’d had the best sex of her life, and she didn’t care what Jasmine and the rest of the Porch People thought of Declan. She was already half in love with him.