The Domme Who Wasn't [Club Esoteria 14] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 3
Once again he began to stroke her body, gentling her much the way she vaguely remembered her father easing fear from the frightened animals he worked with as a farm hand when she was a child.
She slowly relaxed under his touch, her body becoming pliant once again. He waited until her body was resting heavily against his and her mind had turned to goo before asking again.
This time his voice was a low gentle rumble under the ear pressed against his chest. “Why are ye feelin’ the need ta run away now tha’ I ken yer secret? Dunna ye want ta play with me, callie-girl?”
“You beat your playthings,” she whispered as tears filled her eyes. “And I don’t like pain.”
“Ach, lass, I dunna use pain on my subs unless they beg me to. I prefer ta give me subbies whatever they want or need. Me pleasure comes in bein’ in control and sharin’ in their pleasure. Some I play with need the pain ta get ta Nirvana. Ye, on the other, need a Dom who controls ye with cuddles and luvin’ and maybe an occasional over-the-knee spankin’ when yer naughty.”
His quietly confident tone added to the gentle hands stroking over her skin had vanquished the stress and tension she had felt earlier. The arousal left behind was growing with each word and touch. She shifted as her pussy clenched and her fluids overflowed and wet her upper thighs.
When warm, gentle fingers moved to trace random paths back and forth over the tops of breasts left bare by her abbreviated blouse, Calliope sucked a breath and her back arched an inch higher, trying to press her skin tighter against his.
He chuffed a laugh as his fingers then slid lower, just under the elastic at the top edge of her blouse. He continued the back and forth motion, moving closer but not quite touching her nipples.
Calliope bit her lower lip to keep from moaning her need as fire shot from tit to clit. Even so, Roane seemed to know exactly what he was doing to her. When she glanced up at him, he smiled at her with a heated gaze that burned her.
Then a random though cut through the sensual haze she was wallowing in despite herself. “Why are you doing this? Are you really so bossy you can’t have a woman say no without proving her wrong? You always have to wield the power and be in charge?”
“Nae, lass. Tha’s a misconception about the lifestyle. Yes, in domination and submission there is a power exchange and the dominant determines what ultimately happens in a scene. By giving over the power to the dominant, the submissive is really the one in charge. Tha’s one of the reasons for discussions and negotiations before a scene begins. This is also why the club has submissives fill out an interest and limits card.”
He waited for her to absorb that before continuing. “Now in the case of our scene, I’ll be in charge, but if ye need ta stop at any time, all ye hae ta do is say yer safe word and everything stops.”
“Aye. Now, do ye hae yer own safe word, or do ye want ta use red, which is the club’s safe word?”
Calliope shrugged. “Red is okay, I guess.”
“Verra good, lass. Now, until I say different, all I want ta hear from yer lips is ‘Yes, Sir’ unless yer sayin’ yer safe ward ta stop the scene. Do ye understand?”
Again Calliope took a moment to think things through before answering with a soft, “Yes, Sir.”
“Verra good, lass. Now, ’tis time fer me ta show ye how good it can feel ta be under a Dom’s control.”
* * * *
“Wha…what are you going to do to me?” Calliope whispered, earning herself a disapproving look from the sexy Scottish hunk.
“First I’m goin’ to give you somethin’ ta do with yer mouth so ye willna be able ta ask any more silly questions. Then I’m goin’ ta do wha’ all Doms do with a new plaything, look ye over, check yer responses, and then we’ll see where things go from there.”
With that, Roane shifted her on his lap so that his right arm supported her upper back with his fingers curved over her right shoulder. His left hand then cupped her jaw and the side of her head to hold her still and steady for whatever he might want to do to her.
With an expression that set winged creatures to flying in her belly, he slowly moved closer while lifting her face to his. Meeting his pale blue eyes, she felt herself falling into them until her eyelids dropped mere racing heartbeats before he kissed her.
His lips were warm as they brushed over hers several times before he fully took possession. His kisses controlled her by the gentlest of measures as he proved domination did not have to be maintained solely by strength. When his tongue lapped at her lips, she parted them without thought. She opened her mouth wider in completely cooperation as he took the kiss deeper and then deeper still. Soon Calliope’s world began and ended where Master Roane’s lips, teeth, and tongue touched her, thoroughly exploring and claiming her.
The longer the kisses went on, the less tense Calliope felt. A soul-deep need to be closer had her wrapping her arms around Roane’s broad, powerfully muscled shoulders.
She held on tight, afraid if she let go she might fly away with the arousal that was building low in her belly. Never before, with any of the men in her past, had she experienced such need. She was so close to orgasm from just their kisses that she could only imagine what touch in the right place might do to her.
As if he heard her thoughts, Master Roane’s hands began to move over her body in exploration. The one holding her shoulder moved down and around her body to cup a now bared breast. Where had her blouse disappeared to?
The question drifted away before she could open her eyes and look when fingers cupped the mound of flesh, kneading it gently before moving attention to concentrate on the erect nub of flesh at its peak. The pad of a single fingertip stroked back and forth over it, sending pulsations of want from nipple straight to her clit, causing her to flex her hips and tighten pussy muscles in response. She gasped when fingers then pinched it gently then began to roll it back and forth. The pulses became a steady flow of desire for more as her arousal grew higher and hotter.
Trying to vocalize her need, she found her mouth would not work and all she could do was moan softly against his lips. Her moan turned into a gasp of surprise as a large, warm hand landed on her left leg then slid up between her thighs, not stopping until it reached their apex. He made a grumbly sound when he encountered the drenched thong she wore, which covered her pussy. Though it really only covered her mound and clit, her Domme mentality felt that she was fully clothed.
He finally broke what she had begun to think of as a never-ending kiss to look down her body. A moment later she felt the thin strings of the thong tighten for a fraction of a second before she heard them snap. He brought the remnants up over her chest to show her.
Before she could protest such treatment, he said in a soft, low, disapproving voice that sent shivers through her body. “Subbies never wear such offendin’ garments in my presence. From now on, ye’ll go commando whenever we’re together. I want ta be able ta get ta yer bits and pieces whenever I have a mind ta.”
She nodded as he tossed the scrap of fabric over his shoulder.
“Do ye understand?” he asked when she did not speak.
She nodded again, earning another of his looks that sent fear skittering down her spine. “Yes, Sir,” she finally managed to whisper.
“Good, lass.”
His praise had her trembling, but in an entirely different way from his disapproving tone. She watched as his hand pushed up her skirt, baring her mound. She absently noticed that her blouse was not missing, he had just pushed it down and hooked the top under her breasts so it was out of his way.
“Now, callie-girl, I want ye ta relax, let yerself go, and jes’ feel. I willna let anythin’ happen ta ye.”
Chapter 4
Though she nodded and murmured a barely audible, “Yes, Sir,” Roane could tell the woman was seriously rattled about giving over control to another. What she did not yet realize was that by allowing him to take control and guide her, she would actually feel freer than she ever had as a D
Instead of pushing the buttons he knew would immediately drive her into the first of what he hoped would be several orgasms, he backed off. His right hand continued to cover her breast while his left settled over her warm, wet mound. Her body had grown stiff in his embrace, as if she were fighting a need to struggle for her freedom. As he waited for her to release her fear, he began humming along with the Celtic tune that played softly in the background. It took several minutes during which he did no more than tighten his fingers on her bits and pieces at irregular intervals, but finally he felt her muscles let go and relax.
Still he did not move things along. He actually felt quite content to just sit here with a lap full of snuggly, relaxed woman. He smiled when she took a deep breath then released it on a sigh as she relaxed even further. She was now fully relaxed, and it was time to see how well she would respond to his touch.
Pulling his hand from around her body, he said, “Slide yer hands behind yer back and hold yer wrists.”
It took a few seconds for her to move, probably because she was so relaxed, but she shifted and did as instructed.
“Now keep them there,” he said as he returned his hand to her breast, this time holding her arm close to her body.
She did not respond, but then he did not expect her to.
* * * *
Being cuddled and cared for by a strong man was what Calliope secretly longed for the most. Actually living her dream as she was made her wonder if she was truly awake or if she had fallen asleep on the couch in the club and all of this was merely a vivid hallucination.
Fingers pinching her nipples hard enough to make her gasp with pain proved this was reality and not a dream. At the same time he also stroked circles around her clit, occasionally dropping down and stabbing a finger into her open, drenched pussy to gather more of her juices. He seemed to be in no hurry to make her come as he played, testing this touch versus that, and which caused a gasp or a sigh or a twitch of her hips.
Her arousal gathered around her, closing her in like a finger pulling on a child’s Chinese handcuff toy until it was all she could do not to push his hand out of the way and finish the task herself. Which, she decided, was why he had her hands tucked behind her back. It was an effective way to keep her under control without using cuffs of any sort.
“Hmmm,” he murmured as he stroked the finger directly over her clit, sending all contemplative thoughts out of her brain. “Yer no’ supposed ta be thinkin’ so hard, lass. I guess ’tis time ta get serious about the relaxin’ part of the evenin’.”
With that, he shifted her on his lap so he was able to slide two fingers into her pussy as his thumb came to rest over her clit. He began to finger-fuck her, steadily increasing the speed and pressure of each in-stroke, driving her need up and up as she tried to shift her hips to meet each thrust. But without being able to plant her feet on the arm of the chair, she had no leverage and could only take what he gave her.
Using the arm under her back, he lifted her body higher so he could lick, suck, and nibble at one breast and then the other as his fingers continued to stroke in and out of her. Then he curved the fingers in her pussy to stroke just right, sending her to the pinnacle of the mountain that was her orgasm. A hard press of his thumb over her clit shot her the last inches until she tumbled over the top.
Calliope screamed as she came apart in his arms, for the first time orgasming in a man’s presence. The fact that he had only used his hands to drive her to such a glorious feeling amazed her.
He crooned and praised her even as he continued to play, slowly easing her back to Earth. When he finally pulled his fingers from her body, she opened her eyes and looked up at him, a relaxed, rosy glow replacing the harsh grayness of stress and unfulfilled arousal she had felt earlier.
“Ahhh, that was a beautiful thing, callie-girl. I think ye jes’ might be what I’ve been looking for,” Roane murmured as he wrapped both arms around her and snuggled with her as she finished catching her breath.
Though she wondered exactly what he was looking for, she did not have enough brain cells firing to formulate and ask the question. Instead, she took just relaxed and marveled at how wonderful it felt knowing she had pleased this man.
Then he shifted and a long, hard bar pressed into her hip. She had not pleased him. He was hard and, after this long, no doubt needing some relief.
Rolling off his lap, she moved between his legs, intending to suck him off. But before she could push the kilt out of her way, he took hold of her hands and held them away from his body.
“What do ye think yer doin’, lass?” he asked with a frown that sent cold shivers to chase away the hot, sexy feeling she had been immersed in just moments earlier.
“I was going to…to…suck your cock,” she said, confused as she looked up at him.
“Did I tell you to suck my cock?”
“No, Sir.”
“Did I tell you do anything?”
“No, Sir. But you’re hard and I thought…” She trailed off as she remembered what her role in this room was.
“Ye thought ye’d please me by giving me a blow job?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Is it a submissive’s role to try to anticipate? Or is she supposed to do what her Dom tells her to do, no more and no less?”
Calliope sighed. “To do what her Dom tells her, Sir.”
“Verra good, lass. Now I applaud yer initiative, but ye need ta ken that I am Dom pure and simple. If ye want ta continue playin’ with me, ye’ll have ta make a shift in yer thinkin’. Ye need ta decide if ye want ta continue bein’ unhappy as a weak Mistress, or if ye’d be willin’ ta be my submissive and see if that role fits ye better.”
Calliope nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
“Now, pull yerself together, and I’ll walk ye out ta yer truck.” Roane stood then helped her to her feet as well.
Once her clothes were straightened, Roane took her hand and walked her back out the way he had carried her in. Using every bit of control she could muster, Calliope ignored the whispers and giggles that followed them through the main room of the club.
In the lobby, Roane waited patiently while she put her boots and coat on. Then he took her hand once more and they left the club. He led her to her big purple truck, and as she fumbled for keys, he snapped a finger.
“Don’ leave yet. I’ve somethin’ I want ye ta have,” he said as he marched away and disappeared around the back of the big black SUV next to her.
Finding her keys, she unlocked her car and opened the door but did not climb into the driver’s seat. She did not have long to wait before he returned.
“Also remember, if yer goin’ ta be me subbie, ye’ll have ta talk ta Mistress Jenna and hae’ yer membership changed. Now here’s me card. If ye want ta talk, or if ye need anythin’ this week, call me.”
Feeling better than she had in months, Calliope grinned. “Is that an order?”
His hand swatted her ass so fast she had no time to prepare until her ass was stinging and she was yelping in response.
“Yes, that was an order. Do ye have yer phone with ye?”
Reaching to the center console, she pulled her cell phone from the cup holder where she kept it when it was not in her pocket.
He took it, nodded in what seemed to be approval, then programmed something into it. “If ye see me name, answer the phone.”
He handed her the phone back. “I’ll expect ye ta call when ye get home. If I don’t answer, leave a message.” His voice was back to the Dom range that set her stomach to fluttering.
“Yes, Sir.”
She did not fight him when he wrapped a hand around the back of her neck and pulled her close. As he pulled her up on her toes, she wrapped her arms around his chest to hold on and then returned the kiss he gave her in full measure.
They were both breathless by the time he finally released her and stepped back. She wobbled as she climbed into her truck and reached for the door.
“Call when ye get
home,” he repeated as he stepped back.
“Yes, Sir,” she replied as she pulled the door closed.
She started the truck and pulled out, feeling his eyes following her until she left the parking lot. She drove home on autopilot. When she parked her truck, she blinked and was thankful she had not run anyone over on her five-mile drive from the club to her home.
Master Roane would have really been upset if she had called him from the Emergency Room instead of her home.
She waited until she got inside to place the call that she was certain would not be the last one for the week. It was as if he had stepped in and was taking over, whether or not she really wanted him to.
“McKenzie,” he answered.
“I’m home,” she said without identifying herself.
She hoped she was the only woman checking in with him and was not sure what she would do if she found out there were others who called him Sir.
“Verra good, lass. Now go ta bed and sleep the sleep of angels,” he said, sounding as if he were smiling.
“I’ll try, Sir. Have a good week.”
Chapter 5
Calliope spent the rest of the weekend working on a metal sculpture consisting of a trio of sheep that a new customer had commissioned two weeks earlier. Though the work kept her hands busy, her mind had far too much time to think about Roane, his proposition of being her play Dom though he had not specified a time frame beyond the coming Friday night, and how Jenna and Taurus, co-owners of Club Esoteria, would take her change in membership status. Those thoughts then shifted into worry mode. Would they kick her out of the club for claiming and trying to be a Domme when she really did not have a dominant bone in her body? Or would there be some kind of club-public humiliation for admitting she was not what everyone thought she was?
The phone remained eerily silent. Maybe Roane had not shared her secret.