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Theophilus Page 3

  Once the woman had been sent away again, Lyssa said, “That girl has it bad for you.”

  She had hoped for a casual, non-bitchy observational tone, but when he turned and pinned her with those dark, dark eyes, she knew she had failed.

  “Huh? What do you mean?”

  “I mean, if you wiggled your pinkie, she’d drop trou so you could do her across the table,” Lyssa said with a smirk. “Not that I blame her, but I do think she needs to chase after someone closer to her own age.”

  Theo stared at her like she was crazy. “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

  Lyssa’s eyes widened as her smile grew. “So, all the women you know rub against you like cats in heat?”

  She began to giggle as the visual of what she had just said hit her. Theo joined in a moment later, their laughter causing heads to turn in their direction. When he sobered, Theo looked across the room and gave a head tilt to someone.

  A moment later, an older, fuller-bodied waitress stepped up to the table. “What’s up, Doc?”

  “Merrie, please take over for Ashley at this table,” he said as he stared deep into Lyssa’s eyes.

  “No problem, but Laz will want to know why,” the woman said, standing a good foot away from the table.

  “Tell him to come ask me if he really needs to know,” Theo said.

  “Okay, but Ashley’s not going to like it.”

  Lyssa looked the other woman in the eye. “Tell her if she doesn’t like it, she can come talk to me.”

  Merrie nodded and smiled in understanding. “Yes, ma’am, I will.”

  That statement set Theo to chuckling again. The dark, happy sound hit Lyssa straight in the clit, and she had to fight the need to squirm in her seat.

  Instead, she nudged him gently in the ribs. “It’s not that funny,” she said.

  “But it is, little bird,” he said, leaning over and brushing a kiss on the top of her head.

  Before Lyssa could work up a good head of steam about the young woman’s inappropriate behavior and Theo’s reaction to it, Merrie returned with a pitcher and refilled their glasses.

  They gave her their order, deciding to take on half the appetizer menu instead of meals. Merrie gave them a smile as she took their orders. “I’ll put a rush on this,” she said before walking away.

  As they waited for their food, they continued trading questions back and forth. Lyssa was not surprised to find they had very little in common, though it was interesting to learn more about the man. Her body yearned to learn more, as well. Every inch of flesh that pressed against his burned with a sexual need she barely recognized, though she wrote about it convincingly enough.

  Her body told her in no uncertain terms that it wanted to get laid.

  By Theo.

  As soon as possible.

  “So, this story you’re struggling with,” Theo said once their food was delivered.

  “I may just give up on it,” Lyssa said, though that was the last thing she wanted to do.

  “I have a suggestion before you do,” Theo said. “Your writing seems to come from a place of experience, and I take it you have none being a Little girl, correct?”

  Lyssa slowly nodded. She hated having to admit her knowledge came not from real life, but from reading books and doing online research and living life as a Little girl without a Daddy.

  “What I propose is that you put yourself into my care for the weekend. Let yourself live as a Little girl and experience life in an age-play relationship.”

  Lyssa blinked, stunned by the man’s offer. “And you’d be my Daddy?” she finally asked after swallowing the stuffed mushroom she had been eating.

  “I would be honored to be your guide into the Daddy Dom/little girl life for as long as you wish to experience it.”

  Lyssa was both stumped and aroused by his offer, though she wasn’t sure she could agree until they hashed out a few things. “How little do you mean when you talk about Little girl?”

  “The better question to ask is what age do you identify with?” Theo asked casually as he nibbled on a beef rib, picking the bone clean.

  Lyssa thought for several moments before answering. “I’m not a baby. I can’t imagine wearing diapers and sucking on a pacifier. So, maybe four, five, or six? Still Little, but not a baby.”

  Theo looked thoughtful. “That’s doable. Do you have a safe word?”

  When Lyssa frowned at him in confusion, he explained. “A safe word is a word that when you say it, except during a punishment, that is, we stop and talk Daddy to Big girl. It’s a word that means stop or time out.”

  “Ummm, no, I’ve never needed one before,” Lyssa said. “My husband was about as vanilla as you can get, and I’ve only dated once since he died.”

  “How about we use traffic colors like most of the BDSM clubs do. Red means full stop, yellow for slow down or pause a moment, and green for all’s good.”

  Lyssa thought a moment before nodding. “Okay, but what’s happens if I agree to be your Little girl? When do you want to do this?”

  “I have the next four days off, so if you’d like, we can start right now. There are a few rules that are nonnegotiable. Number one, Daddy is in charge. Always.”

  “Daddy is in always charge,” Lyssa repeated.

  “If you earn a punishment by being naughty, you cannot call your safe word just because you don’t want to be spanked, or stand in the corner, or whatever the punishment I choose to deliver. That is the only time I will not honor your safe word for a full stop. We can take a moment to talk about things, but you will receive your punishment.”

  Lyssa swallowed hard and pressed her thighs together as her pussy overflowed at the thought of being spanked. “Okay, but you won’t need to spank me,” she assured him boldly. “I’ll be a good girl.”

  She blushed when Theo merely lifted one eyebrow as he stared at her. Finally, she dropped her gaze to her plate in what she knew was a classic submissive move.

  “Daddy will decide when and if his Little girl needs to be spanked or not. So, what do you say? Are you willing to put your Little self in my care for the next four days? After that, we’ll talk. I have to tell you that I’ve been looking for my Little girl for a number of years, and I believe you are just who I’ve been searching for.”

  Lyssa had no response, so she picked up another mushroom cap and popped it in her mouth instead. Once she swallowed, she turned to look Theo in the eye. “I’d like to be your Little girl for the weekend. What do we do now?”

  Before Theo could answer, Merrie arrived with the bill. “Need anything else, Doc?”

  “No thanks, Merrie. We’re good.”

  Lyssa pulled her purse onto the table and opened it to find her wallet. Before she could dig it out, Theo laid a hand over her wrist. “Little girls don’t pay when they’re out with their Daddies,” he said softly.

  “But,” she started to argue, then snapped her mouth closed at his darkening expression. Taking a deep breath, she sighed and nodded.

  Theo’s smile and murmured, “Good girl,” sent a tremor of growing want through her. It pooled in her clit, once again reminding her, in no uncertain terms, exactly how long it had been since she had been with a man.

  He stood, then waited for her to slide out and stand beside him. Once she was on her feet, he slid his hand up her spine to curl his palm around the back of her neck as they crossed to the front door. At the simple, yet dominatingly possessive, touch Lyssa’s pussy clenched before gushing and dampening everything between her legs. She forced herself to keep walking, fighting hard against the temptation to beg Theo to fuck her for the next four days.

  Once they were on the sidewalk, Theo looked down at her with a smile. “How about a walk around the square?”

  “I’d like that,” Lyssa said without hesitating. Truth was, she would have agreed to almost anything to spend a few more minutes in his presence.

  Their getting-to-know-you, first date conversation continued as they walked down the block toward
the square, which had been named the best in Texas for several years running. Lyssa was not surprised to find out that Theo was a psychologist. It surprised her that he mainly worked with traumatized children and veterans. He seemed surprised that she did not talk more about her successful writing career. Both touched briefly on their marital histories, but then they moved on quickly, not wanting to bring down their afternoon.

  At the corner, Theo took her hand in his, lacing their fingers together. Lyssa froze for a moment before she whispered, “Are we starting already?”

  “The moment you agreed to spend the weekend with me, you became my Little girl. Now, let Big Lyssa take a vacation while Daddy takes care of his little bird.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she murmured softly, hoping no one heard her.

  As they strolled around the square, looking into shop windows and studying the various sculptures, Lyssa found herself fully relaxing for the first time in months. Other people were out and about, but no one looked at them funny, even when Theo insisted on taking her picture as she leaned against a five-foot-tall Lego pirate standing next to the toy store door. She giggled when he pulled her inside. They wandered every aisle, but she shook her head each time he showed her a toy or game.

  Finally, he pulled her into a secluded corner away from the few other customers. Bending down until they were nose to nose, he said, “I want to buy you a toy to play with this weekend. Are you going to choose something, or am I going to choose for you?”

  Lyssa’s heart gave a squeeze as she blinked back tears. “You don’t have to do that,” she said softly.

  Smack. Smack. Smack.

  Theo’s hand landed swift and hard on a single spot on her right ass cheek. She sucked a breath to keep from crying out at the pain and shock of being spanked.

  She opened her mouth to argue, but in looking at his frowning face, she decided to give in gracefully and accept the punishment.

  “Can I get a coloring book and crayons?” she asked once she had gotten over the stunned amazement that he had spanked her in the store.

  Theo blinked, and his expression cleared. “That sounds perfect. Maybe we can also find a puzzle we can do together. And a game we can play after dinner.”

  By the time they left the toy store, Theo carried a large shopping bag. When they reached the corner, he held his free hand out to her. “Hold Daddy’s hand, little bird.”

  Lyssa took it with a happy sigh as she slid further into a Little girl mindset. This was one of those moments she wanted to remember. This was the feeling of love she tried to capture in her books. The soft, warm, fuzzy feeling that real romance should be all about. Though they had just met a few hours before, and may only be together for a few days before separating again, she could easily see herself falling ass over teakettle for Theo Santi.

  Chapter Four

  By the time they returned to the sidewalk beside her vehicle, Theo had tentatively mapped out a plan for the weekend. He just hoped Lyssa would agree to it.

  “I’m going to run these bags to my house, then come get you in an hour. I want you to go home and pack for a non-adult weekend. Then we’ll go to my house where your weekend of being Little begins in earnest,” he said when he caught her looking nervous. “How does that sound to you?”

  Lyssa nodded but looked hesitant. He could almost read her mind just from her expression. Taking her hand, he pulled her across the sidewalk and down a narrow alleyway between two buildings. It was darker here, and he felt it safe to be a bit more dominant. Turning so she leaned against a fairly clean place on the wall, he stepped forward until she was sandwiched between his body and the brick wall behind her.

  Setting down the shopping bag, he planted his hands on either side of her head. Pressing close enough that she could feel his erection pressing into her belly, he kissed her. He took his time, reining in the lust that grew in his blood like an out of control fire. It was way too soon to show her how much her agreement to the next few days meant to him no matter how much he wanted to.

  Shifting his hands so they bracketed her head to hold her still, he nipped at her bottom lip before sucking the flesh between his teeth and nibbling on it. The barely there moan she exhaled had his cock twitching in anticipation. Tilting his head, he fully covered her lips with his own. He stroked the tip of his tongue across the seam in her lips. When she parted them, he plunged deep, tasting, exploring, claiming for himself every millimeter his tongue could reach.

  She tasted sweet and spicy, making him wonder if her pussy would taste the same. That thought added more heat to the fire already burning in his soul. Theo assured himself that she would be his for the long term, no matter what anyone else had to say about it, including Lyssa, herself.

  When her hips began to pulse forward in an unspoken demand for more, and small, whimpering sounds of need began to break the silence around them, he eased back slowly. They did not need to get caught having sex in public against a wall. He wanted their first time to be behind locked doors, preferably in his king-size bed where no one would interrupt. He took his time cooling things down, gentling the kiss by degrees until he was just brushing his lips over hers before breaking apart completely. A moment later, he reluctantly pushed off the wall, separating their bodies, as well.

  He could not help but smile when she took a half step forward. The fire burning her in mossy green eyes matched the one blazing in his soul. Yes, she was definitely the woman he had been looking for. Once the weekend was over, and she acknowledged that she liked their age-play lifestyle, he would see about claiming her for his own permanently.

  “Feel better?” he asked. His voice came out deep and gruff with the arousal that threatened to burn him from inside out.

  Lyssa nodded and licked her lips before she whispered, “I think so.”

  He quirked an eyebrow higher until she gave him a small tilt of her lips before adding, “Daddy.”

  “Think you can get home and pack without me?” he asked, fighting the urge to take her straight home with him.

  Lyssa nodded again, though she still looked nervous. “Yes, Daddy. What kind of clothes should I pack?”

  Theo thought about it for a moment. “Why don’t you go home and pick your favorite Little appropriate movies, and pack everything you need except clothes. When I get there, we’ll pick out your clothes together.”

  Lyssa nodded again, and her uncertain look turned to a smile. “I can do that,” she said softly.

  “All right then. Now, let’s get going before I decide to hell with it and take you right here against this wall.”

  Lyssa giggled until she looked in his face and realized he wasn’t kidding. “While I write about sex anywhere you can get away with it, I’m not sure here and now would be such a good idea,” she said, glancing toward the street where a police car had just pulled up and parked.

  Theo chuckled and shook his head. “I agree, but I will remember you said that,” he said.

  Picking up the bag of toys in one hand, he took Lyssa’s hand in the other and led her out of the alley, just as the police officer climbed out of his car.

  “Problem, Miss?” The officer ignored Theo and directed his question to Lyssa.

  “No, sir. Just a private conversation,” Lyssa said. She sounded like she was going to burst out laughing at any moment.

  The man glanced from Lyssa to Theo then back again before nodding and walking away. He was barely out of earshot before Lyssa began to laugh in earnest. Theo looked at her and couldn’t help but join in.

  “I wonder what he would have done if I’d said yes,” Lyssa whispered once her giggles slowed.

  “Probably put me in cuffs and taken me away,” Theo mused. “Thank you for telling him the truth and not getting me in trouble with the law.”

  Lyssa took a deep breath and settled. “I’d never want to get you in trouble, Daddy.”

  “Good girl. Now, in your car and head home. I’ll be there in about an hour.”

  Theo watched closely as Lyssa climbed
into her Jeep and drove away. Once she was gone, he walked down the block to where he had parked his motorcycle. It took a few minutes to pack everything into his saddlebags, but he finally got it all to fit.

  Climbing aboard, he started the engine and headed to his house at the Kinky Saints compound. If he hurried, he would have just enough time to make a few adjustments to the nursery he’d put together when he started his search for his dream woman before he needed to be at Lyssa’s house.

  * * * *

  Lyssa stood in the middle of her bedroom and looked around, trying to figure out exactly what she was supposed to pack. Going into the bathroom, she pulled out the travel kit that was packed with the toiletries she always took when she traveled. The kit was always packed and ready to go. Not that she traveled a lot, but if she didn’t keep it filled and ready to go on her next adventure, she would forget something, usually something important like deodorant or her favorite shampoo. It was just easier to keep the plastic bag packed with everything she would need. Then, when she returned home from her travels, she refilled the bottles and made sure the kit was ready for the next time she needed it.

  It was one of the tinier oddities of her life, but this was how she managed dealing with the ever-changing challenges of having both attention deficit disorder and a component of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Her mother had trained her from childhood that being uber-organized was the best way to deal with life.

  Lyssa had a specific pocket in her purse designated for her phone and only for her phone. Her wallet had a leather string tied to it that was tied to the strap of her purse, so she didn’t lay it down and lose it at a store. She had a carabiner on her keyring to clip it to her purse strap, a loop on her jeans, or the handle of the large market basket she took to the grocery store each week.

  Pulling out the travel bag with cartoon figures embossed on the leather strip across the top that she used for weekend trips, Lyssa opened it and laid her toiletry bag inside. Sitting on the bed beside the bag, she stopped, unsure what else to pack.