Juggling Masters [Club Esoteria 12] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5
“Master,” he whimpered as his hips began to drive the shaft up and down.
Her arousal spiraled even higher. She began to arch her back in response, needing more.
“Please, Master,” she begged, looking up at the man who controlled every move when it came to times like these.
How had she gone from fear and desperation to begging for sex so quickly? Her emotions were as out of control as her body as the two men stroked every inch of skin they could reach. She was so close, but before she could peak, the elevator’s bell sounded and the doors slid open. They had arrived at the fourth floor.
“Not yet, my pets. We will come as one in the privacy of our quarters, not on an elevator riding up and down,” he said, his voice low, tight, and sounding as if he was nearing the limits of his own control. “Merlin, take two steps back.”
Cool air drifted over her as the submissive man responded to his Master’s voice.
“One step back, angel,” Dane then ordered. But she was too aroused and needed to cling to something or she would end up on the floor.
A sharp swat on the center of her ass forced her to comply, but she wobbled once she was no longer touching either man.
Once she was where he wanted her, she saw him look over her shoulder at pet and frown. “Did I tell you to expose yourself?”
“No, Master,” pet answered softly.
“Then why can I see your cock?”
“I…The pants…” pet started then sighed and said, “No excuse, Master.”
She saw the heat in Master’s eyes and his lips twitch as if he were fighting back a grin. “Pull your pants back up but leave your cock and balls out where I can keep an eye on them.”
“Yes, Master,” pet answered
“Now, we will go inside and our sweet angel will show us how much she appreciates our donation to the food bank,” Dane said, his dark eyes glowing with his dominant hunger.
“Yes, Master,” she said in harmony with Merlin once more.
When she bent to retrieve her chemise, Dane stopped her with a stern, “Leave it.”
With a longing look at the silky bit of near nothing, she stepped out of the elevator and turned to the right and what used to be Master Taurus’s apartment.
Now that he and his new wife, Whitney, were settled into their new home, his old apartment had become a sort of guest quarters for the club. Visiting friends in the lifestyle or friends who wanted to get away from the world and surround themselves with the toys of the club were invited to use the small apartment. She had no doubt that at some point after the club closed they would return downstairs to play on some of the equipment. Antony had told her it was expected of those who stayed in the guest apartments.
As she crossed the fourth-floor lobby, she put a little extra wiggle in her walk, smiling when she heard twin groans behind her. The frown slid away when she saw a suitcase and Master’s toybag sitting beside the front door. Why were they out here and not inside? She knew no one would dare steal from the club, but it still seemed too trusting to just leave luggage out here where anyone could get to it.
The doorknob turned easily under her hand, so she opened it and went inside. She got as far as the living room before stopping, sudden nerves keeping her from making any assumptions. Master used to have a penchant for sex in the most creative spots, and she wondered if this room would spark any ideas for him as it did for her.
Chapter 7
Carrying the single suitcase into the apartment, Merlin looked around and found that not much had changed since their Sunday-morning visit three years earlier when they had demanded to know how to get in touch with Sloan. They had been true boneheads letting her go without getting some kind of contact information from her. Especially since they had both known by Sunday evening that she was their perfect third. But it had taken a week for them to realize how much they missed her and wanted her back.
He disappeared into the bedroom just long enough to set the suitcase on the dresser. Returning to the living room, he found Master and angel once again kissing and wrapped in an embrace that would give a dead man a hard-on. He approached slowly, not wanting to interrupt but hoping to join them.
Before he could, Master released the woman then turned her to face him. “Pet, you need to apologize to your Sir for scaring him this afternoon. He panicked when he went to the spa and you weren’t there.”
With an apologetic smile that just increased the blood pooling in his groin, angel looked into his eyes and said, “I’m sorry, Sir. I did not mean for you to worry.”
Two steps closed the distance between them, and he stopped with a quick inhalation of air as the tip of his cock brushed over her belly. With a glance at Master, who simply smiled and nodded his approval, Merlin reached out with both hands and pinched her hard, deep-pink nipples. He slowly increased the pressure until she gasped and her eyes went wide.
Hoping he sounded as dominant as Master, he said softly, “I think you can do better than that, angel. Undress me and show me how sorry you really are.”
He caught Master’s nod as the man stepped back, letting Merlin control the scene. Merlin had been surprised the first time he had done this, but over the past few years, he had come to enjoy being in charge of angel and her actions, at least for a short time.
He cooperated as angel peeled the tight jeans down his legs, lifting his feet so she could pull them off his ankles. Once he was as naked, she knelt in front of him and looked up and met his gaze, her sage-green eyes glowing with her own arousal.
“Sir, may I please suck your cock in apology?”
Though he hated to, he glanced at Master for his approval. He may be in charge, but only as far as Master Dane would allow. Dane was the ultimate dominant, and even though he had been topping Sloan for three years, he always talked things out with Master first.
When Master nodded then angled his head toward a comfortable-looking recliner across the room, Merlin understood but had a hard time conceptualizing what the other man had in mind. Normally when angel gave him a blow job, Master preferred he stand up and she kneel so he could watch every lick, every bob, every hip thrust. Oftentimes he would stop things if Merlin got too close to coming too fast. One Master’s biggest joys was seeing how close to submissives could drive each other to coming without actually reaching orgasm. He liked to keep them hovering on the edge for seemingly endless periods of time before allowing them to find their relief.
Without answering their angel’s question, Merlin crossed to the recliner and sat down. He then kicked back so his legs were raised and he was stretched out and comfortable. Spreading his legs as far as the chair’s puffy arms would allow, he met angel’s watchful gaze. Lifting his right hand, he crooked a single finger in a “come here” motion.
His breathing stopped as she gracefully rose and glided across the room. She stopped with her knees just inches from the bottom of the footplate.
Swallowing hard, he fought to stay still when all he really wanted to do was grab his now-aching cock and give it the few hard, fast strokes it would take to propel him over the edge. But Master apparently had a plan that included her apologizing in one of his most favorite ways.
“Now you may suck my cock, angel.”
She looked confused as her gaze swept down his body and back up again. He knew she was trying to figure out how this was going to work. When she eyed the armrest and took a step to the side, he shook his head.
“Back where you were,” he ordered without the hard edge that Master’s voice would have at this moment.
She moved back into position then cocked her head as she tried to figure out how she was to reach his long, thick, throbbing cock. Finally her expression cleared, and she bent forward then slowly, carefully worked her way up the between his legs until her head was in his lap.
“Hands cupping your tits, angel.” Master’s order from across the room added another layer to Merlin’s growing need.
So, she would not be allowed to touch him with anyt
hing except lips, teeth, and tongue. Since the babies’ arrival, her nipples had become super sensitive to any manipulation. On more than one occasion, he had brought her to a screaming orgasm just by playing with her tits.
Her eyelids drooped and she sucked a breath as she settled on her hands. Just that simple touch was enough to arouse her.
“Because this is an apology, angel, you will not come until after Sir does,” Master ordered.
A soft whining preceded the woman’s whispered, “Yes, Master.”
“And, pet, you will not come without permission,” Master went on to say.
Merlin stared at the man who lounged back on the couch across the room. Taking a breath to fortify his composure, he said, “Yes, Master.”
Merlin sucked a breath then released it on a hiss when a soft, warm, wet tongue started at his balls and slowly and with featherlight touches stroked its way from base to tip. His cock jerked involuntarily when she pulled away. Her second stroke was just as gentle, but her accelerated breathing chilled the damp skin and sent shivers up his spine.
This time when she reached the head, she shifted higher over his lap. Tilting her head so her cheek brushed against his belly, she swirled the tip of her tongue around the manjuice-slicked head of his cock. He exhaled a burst as her lips parted, and she took just the tip between her lips. Her tongue moved around and around the head as she closed her teeth around the shaft just where it met the glans. Her touch caused muscles in his body that had nothing to do with his cock to twitch and jerk in reaction.
When one hand left the chair to touch her, he dimly heard from across the room, “No touching, pet. Hands back on the chair.”
Though his brain fought the order, his arm muscles followed the order as they had been trained for years to do. His hand returned to the arm of the chair. His fingers dug into the padding as he continued to deny himself the pleasure of touching angel.
He sucked a breath then released a quick moan as she delicately sucked on just the head. He was not prepared when a few seconds later she dropped her head forward, sucking more than half his length into her mouth. Without breathing, she held it deep, and then, closing her lips tighter around his girth, she began suck in earnest as she moved up and down his cock.
Merlin’s eyes drifted closed as his head pressed into the back of the chair. His hips began to involuntarily thrust up to drive more and more of his length into her mouth. The buzzing in his ears drowned out all other noises. Shivers raced down his spine to gather in an expanding ball at the base of his cock. He was balanced on the peak of the mountain and had to grit his teeth to hold his orgasm at bay.
“Pet,” Master said, his tone telling Merlin this was not the first time he had called for his attention.
Opening his eyes, he was not surprised to see that Master had joined them. The man had stripped off his leathers and how stood between angel’s legs, slowly stroking his erection as he watched.
Then Master’s gaze met his, and he smiled. “Let it loose, pet, and come for me.”
Chapter 8
Sloan heard the order, and after taking Sir deep once more and swallowing on the length in her mouth, she eased back until just the head remained between her lips as Sir’s cock jerked and he came. She swabbed her tongue around the head as semen jetted across her tongue and filled her mouth in pulsating waves. Without hesitation, she swallowed the fluids and smiled at the sounds Sir was making as he flew.
Even after he relaxed back in the chair, she remained where she was, her own arousal driven higher by her own hands cupping and massaging her tits to the point she was afraid to move. Gentling her lips around his length, she rested her cheek against his thigh and wallowed in the joy of giving Sir pleasure. Her own stress level remained high, and she needed to come so badly her teeth hurt but since joining Master’s household had not been able to come by her own hand. Master and Sir owned her body and all her orgasms.
“Drop your legs, pet,” Master said, his voice the deep-as-a-well-in-the-desert range of intense arousal.
Sloan barely managed to keep Sir’s cock in her mouth as she rode the footplate down until she was kneeling on the floor between his legs with her head still buried in his lap.
When hard, hot hands wrapped around her hips, she tensed before remembering that she and Sir were not alone. “Release him, angel,” Master said as his hand slid between her chest and the chair seat.
As soon as she pulled off Sir’s cock, Master lifted her to her feet, once again proving not only did he have strength of character but also strength of body. Once she was standing, he turned her to face him and after a quick kiss, pushed her back and off balance so she ended up sitting on Sir’s lap.
Sir’s hands immediately wrapped around her chest then moved up until they provided a shelf for her tits. He kept them there as a human restraint as Master pulled her hips until they were balanced precariously on the edge of the recliner’s seat.
Then he pushed her knees up and toward her shoulders. She was not surprised when Merlin released her chest and instead wrapped his arms around her legs. Her pussy clenched as her clit and nipples tightened further when Master’s dark chocolate gaze met hers.
“Pretty pussy all slick and bare,” he said.
He reached out with one finger and traced a line up from below her back hole across her now widespread pussy lips. He paused there just long enough to dip his finger into her passage to the first joint, coating his skin it with her juices before continuing further up her body and circling her clit, spreading her slickness as he went.
Her attention narrowed to the random path his fingertip took as it slowly stroked up to the top of her channel. He paused there a few endless seconds, drawing circles before stroking down to the base of her clit. Up and down, close by not quite close enough to the bundle of nerves that comprised her clit. Panting with her need, she tried shifting her hips, but her position, rolled up like a pill bug and held securely against Sir’s body, kept her from moving.
The whining moan that broke the silence startled her as Master shifted his finger to trace around and around the base of her clit without touching it. Looking into his eyes, she silently begged for the touch, the stroke, the pinch, that would release her from the arousal that was tearing her up from the inside out.
“Do you need something, angel?” Master asked as casually as if he were asking for a weather report.
“Please, Master. Oh, please.”
She panted and once again tried to shift so the finger that now traced the slick skin between clit and entrance would graze the spot she needed most.
He smiled, his eyes dark-brown fire as they watched her. “What, angel? What do you need? Tell me what I can do to help you.”
“Touch me, Master. Please touch me.”
The finger that had been traveling in small increments down her centerline slowly began to work its way up again. And again he traced circles around her clit but did not give her the simple touch she needed to reach her release.
Through the fog of intense need and arousal that clouded her brain, Sloan began to understand the point of this torture session.
“My clit, Master. Please, play with my clit. Please, please, please.”
The moment the demand was out, his callused finger stroked over her clit with a touch she barely felt and which did nothing to carry her over the edge she was balanced so precariously upon.
“Like that?” he asked as his finger traced down and dipped into her pussy again. He twisted it, coating his finger with more of her cream.
“No,” she whined. Her voice sounded as tight as the rest of her felt. “Rub it harder, Master. Please, I need…Ahhhhhhh.”
Her scream erupted as he pressed hard on the mound of flesh and began to rub the flesh in circles. That single touch immediate sent her orgasm zinging through her body. She tried to kick, but Sir was prepared for the reaction and held her steady. Master continued rubbing he clit up and down and around in circles, keeping the orgasmic rush flowing back an
d forth from clit to toes to pussy to fingers to breasts until Sloan began to shiver with her response.
“Beautiful,” he murmured just before he leaned down and placed a whisper-soft kiss on the abused bit of flesh.
Sloan was too busy zooming around in the stratosphere to answer. Or fight when Master lifted her from Sir’s lap and carried her into the bedroom. He laid her in the center of the bed then crawled in and cuddled her against his side. A moment later, Sir snuggled up against her back, and the men murmured praises of love and admiration as they stroked her skin and gently brought her back into her own body.
“Why?” she asked softly once the feeling had returned to her lips and tongue.
“Why what?” Dane returned.
Sloan thought about it for a minute. How could she ask a dominant male why he held back giving her what she obviously needed? Then she thought a little more and changed the question.
“It was a test, right?”
Master’s shrug shifted her on his shoulder. “Not a test exactly. More an exercise in asking for what you need. We’re men, sweetheart, and we don’t always see things that may be clear as glass to you. So, if you need something from us in the future, I want you to know that you can ask for it. Just know you need to be specific. And you need to understand that though we will never deny you anything out of spite, sometimes the answer will be no. When that happens, we will sit down and discuss things and find a workable alternative or different solution. Understand?”
With a big sigh, Sloan nodded. “Yes, Master.”
“Good girl,” he said as he brushed a kiss over her hair before sitting up and pulling her up beside him. “Now go clean up and we’ll head back downstairs. I owe pet a good flogging.”