Babying Their Dream Weaver [Their Dream Weaver 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6
Roane’s eyes widened in shock, but before he could argue, his phone beeped with a text. After reading it, he nodded. “All right. Calum traced the number to a good ol’ boy pub not far from here. He’ll meet us there. Are you sure you want to be in on this, Suz? Why don’t you just take your men and go on home and leave this to me.”
Suz took a deep breath to strengthen her suddenly flagging will. Going home might be a better idea, but she needed to see her ex go down, just as she had eight months earlier when he’d been arrested for harassing her and her men. “I’m sure.”
“This is not a good idea,” Marcus said as Roane jerked him to his feet. “Luke hates you guys, and the way he runs his mouth, you might end up fighting the whole bar.”
“No, we won’t,” Roane said with a feral smile that sent a shiver through Suz. “I’ve got a plan.”
Chapter 9
It was just after midnight when Liam finally pulled the SUV into the driveway. Penn sat in the backseat with an exhausted Suz curled up and asleep in his arms. Neither man had said a word, each still stunned at the bravery Suz had shown.
After hiking back to the SUV, Liam had driven them to the bar. Suz had walked into the one-room building and caught Luke’s eye before walking out again. He had followed a few seconds later. She walked around the corner of the bar, out of sight of the front door where the men waited. As soon as Luke appeared, Penn and Liam grabbed him and held him securely as Roane put the handcuffs she had worn earlier on his wrists. Then he taped the man’s eyes, mouth, and ankles, just as Luke had done to Suz.
Liam pulled his keys out of his pocket, and the brothers then dumped him into the trunk of his own car. Roane left in Luke’s car after promising that he would deal with the trash and make sure it would never come back to haunt them.
Once he drove out of the parking lot, Suz leaned heavily against Penn and sighed. “How are the babies?”
Penn hugged her close, dropping his head to give her a long, long kiss before saying, “They’re missing their mama. How about we go home now?”
“Mmmm, okay. Can we stop for burgers on the way?”
“Anything our Dream Weaver wants,” Penn said as Liam nodded his agreement.
They’d stopped at the only fast food restaurant in town that was open after midnight and picked up burgers and fries. They sat in the parking lot and ate them without talking. After she finished eating, Suz leaned against Penn. Once on the road again, Liam pulled her into his lap so he could cuddle her close.
“Luv, we’re home. ’Tis time ta wake up,” Penn said as Liam opened the back door. He handed her out to his brother before climbing out after them.
“Home?” Suz asked, lifting her head, opening her eyes briefly before going back to sleep.
“Yes, lass, we’re home.”
Penn followed as Liam carried their woman toward the house. He opened the front door and called out, “Jubilee, don’t shoot. It’s us.”
Jubilee and Jane stepped into the wide hallway from the living room, each holding a fussing baby to their shoulder. “How is she?”
“She’s exhausted and going to bed,” Liam said, turning and heading upstairs.
Penn joined the women in the living room, sitting in the big overstuffed rocker-recliner. “Give me the bairns,” he said, holding out his arms, “and go to bed.”
As soon as he settled the babies belly-down across his broad chest, they settled down and fell asleep.
“But…” Jane said, looking around at the disarray in the room.
“It can wait ’til tomorrow, lassie. Yer as tired as we are. Go ta bed. Ye’ll have ta take care of the bairns in the mornin’ because I plan on keeping Suz in bed until at least noon.”
Jane grinned broadly before throwing him a salute. “Aye, aye, Sir. They’ve just had their midnight bottles and should be good to go until morning.” With that bit of information, she turned and headed for the stairs.
“I’m sleeping in the sunroom if ye need me,” Jubilee said. Her tone made no room for argument, so Penn just smiled and nodded.
“We’ll see ye sometime around lunch tomorrow,” he said.
“I’ll bring a tray up in the morning. You’re going to need your strength for the fight it’s going to take to keep Suz in the bed all morning without seeing her babies.”
Penn shrugged. “So we’ll let her up long enough fer breakfast and ta check on the bairns before we carry her back ta bed again.”
Jubilee nodded. “Now that sounds like an idea. Good night.”
“Sleep well, Jubilee,” Penn said before turning his attention to his children.
“Och, me wee ones, ye’d be so proud of yer brave mama tonight,” Penn said, putting the chair into motion as he rubbed his hands up and down the babies’ backs. As he soothed them to sleep, he told them of the adventure their parents had been through that evening.
* * * *
Suz woke with a gasp, immediately testing her arms and legs and sighing when they moved freely. Opening her eyes, she looked across a broad, naked chest at the window and saw the sun was up. She then looked up to find Liam’s pale-blue eyes staring at her with worry in their depths.
She smiled. “I’m fine,” she assured him in a whisper.
“I doubt that, but I willna argue with ye right now.” He tightened the arm that wrapped around her back and held her securely to his side.
It was only then that she realized her backside was cold. “Where’s Penn?”
“Probably downstairs asleep with the wee ones. He never came ta bed last night. How are ye feeling physically after yer ordeal?”
Suz took a moment to inventory her body. The side of her head where Luke had hit her still ached, but not nearly as bad as it had the day before, and the muscles of her shoulders and back were sore, but nothing she could not live with.
“I’m fine,” she replied.
Pushing down the memories of the day before, she focused on the need for loving her men that suddenly demanded attention. She slowly slid her free hand down the center of Liam’s broad, muscle-covered chest. She did not stop at his waist, but continued down until she wrapped her hand around the middle of his long, thick cock. She stroked her hand up and down twice as she continued looking into his eyes.
“No, forget that. I’m not fine. I’m horny and my men have been ignoring me,” she pouted.
“Praise the Lord,” Liam said as he rolled them until she was flat on her back and he leaned over her. “It’s about damn time.”
“What the hell do you mean by that? Ouch!” she said, reaching down to rub the side of her ass where Liam had just slapped her.
“We’re gonna hafta curb that tongue of yers so the bairns first words are nae ‘shit’ or ‘fuck,’” Liam said, using his Dom voice that always melted Suz’s will to his. “And I sent praises ta the heavens because we werena sure ye’d ever want sex again.”
“What? Why would you think that?” Suz asked.
She smoothed her hands up Liam’s sides and then stroked eight fingertips down from his collarbone to his erect nipples. She plucked at them, her grin growing when Liam hissed in response and his cock jerked and grew even bigger against her hip.
He surprised her by shifting to straddle her hips. This left both hands free, which he used to massage the front of her body from chin to belly button.
“Why, ye ask? Because me beautiful wench, we promised not ta touch ye again until ye begged us.”
Suz moaned as he focused his finger’s attention on her still-bigger-than-normal tits. She wanted to lose herself in the loving, but this needed to be cleared up first. “When did you promise that?”
Liam froze, his hands covering her tits and palms rubbing against her nipples. He looked as confused as she felt.” In the delivery room, when ye was cursin’ up a storm about never lettin’ us near ye ever again. We said that we would abide by that and you would hafta come ta us when ye were ready for lovin’ again.”
Suz frowned up at him as she tried to think ba
ck. “Really? I don’t remember that,” she said then arched her back to push her tits harder into his fingers. “And here I thought you two didn’t want me now,” she admitted softly as Liam leaned down and began to nibble on her neck.
“What? Not want ye? Where the bloody hell did ye get such an addlepated notion?” Liam sat up and stared down her in total disbelief.
“Neither one of you have touched me since we came home from the hospital. When I tried to start something after the doctor said it was okay, you guys would get up and walk away.”
Liam looked down at her long and hard and then swung his leg over her and climbed from the bed. He stormed across the room and out into the hall, his hard cock bobbing ahead him with every step he took away from her.
“Yeah, like that,” Suz muttered before rolling over and burying her head into a pillow as her eyes filled and overflowed.
When she heard heavy footsteps on the stairs, she decided that if her men did not want her love, she would go downstairs and love on her babies. Climbing from the bed, she wiped away her tears and then stomped into the walk-in closet. Instead of getting one of the skimpy, sexy, silky bathrobes her men had bought her to run around the house in, she grabbed one of Liam’s T-shirts. Pulling it on, she looked down and confirmed that it did indeed hide all her curves and fell to mid-thigh. Looking at the imprint across the front, she nodded. Not a thing sexy about an animal feed T-shirt.
Reaching into the basket where she kept her panties, she swore when she found it empty. It was time to take Liam on another shopping trip. Instead, she reached to another shelf and pulled on a pair of oversize cotton knit shorts. There, she was completely covered and about as sexy as a head of broccoli.
She hurried out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and toward the kitchen. It was breakfast time and the babies would be getting their bottles and loving from Jane and Jubilee. She glanced into the living room as she passed the wide doorway. Penn and Liam were having an intense conversation. She was not surprised to see that Liam had found a pair of jeans and pulled them on. After all, with Jane and Jubilee here more often than not, running around the house naked was no longer an option.
Neither man saw her as she kept moving down the wide hallway to the kitchen. As per the schedule she and Jane were trying to get them to adhere to, Angus and Bonnie were sitting on the kitchen table in the bouncy seats. They were happily cooing and gurgling as Jane tickled their tummies. Their empty bottles sat on the table between them.
“Good morning, babies,” Suz said as she crossed to the room to stand beside Jane. “How are you this morning?”
“They’re fine. They just finished eating, and now we’re playing fer a few more minutes before we change their nappies and take a walk over to see the sheep,” Jane said.
Suz picked up Angus in his blue sleeper and cuddled with him a few minutes, kissing him and whispering to him. She was just returning him to his seat when she felt her men enter the room. Instead of acknowledging them, she picked up Bonnie and gave the baby girl the same loving her brother had received.
Her men came and stood on either side of her, encircling her with the protective circle of love she had come to depend on that she had missed these past two months. After handing Bonnie to Jane with a smile, she went to the refrigerator for her morning can of soda. While in there, she pulled out a container of leftovers and proceeded to fix herself a plate.
She could feel Penn and Liam watching her as she carried her plate and her caffeine fix to the other side of the table. Jubilee handed them each a mug of coffee, and then she helped Jane take the babies out of the room.
When the men cleared the table and then sat down opposite her, she finally lifted her head to find both men watching with the deep intensity she had nearly forgotten they possessed. It had been such a long time since she had seen such heat and hunger in their eyes. As her heartbeat picked up, her pissy mood eased, her pussy clenched, gushing fluid and filling the air with her aroused scent, and her nearly forgotten arousal level shot skyward.
“I understand that ye’ve been feelin’ a mite bit neglected, luv?” Penn asked.
He slid his chair around the circular table until his knee pressed against hers. At the same time, Liam came around the other side so she was fenced in and unable to get away even if she had wanted to.
“I guess.” She shrugged, pushing the food around her plate, suddenly no longer hungry, at least not for what was on her plate.
“Lass, I thought ye understood we’re men, no’ mind readers,” Liam said, running his fingers across her shoulder to wrap them around the back of her neck. “If we’re doing somethin’ that pisses ye off, or we’re no’ payin’ enough attention, ye need ta smack us upside our heads and tell us.”
Chapter 10
“I didn’t know how,” Suz admitted softly, studying her plate intensely.
Penn’s hand came up the center of her chest to lift her chin and turn her head until they were nose-to-nose and eye-to-eye. “Repeat after me, ‘Husbands, I’m feeling neglected and need some attention.’”
“Husbands, I’m feeling neglected and need some attention,” she repeated.
Liam reached and took her chin, pulling her face around until she was looking in his blue eyes. “Men, I’m horny and need some serious loving right now.”
Her smile grew as she repeated his words. Then she took a deep breath and said on her own, “Misters McKenzie, I need to be fucked through the mattress and into the floor.”
She began to giggle as Penn and Liam released their hold on her and sat back in their chairs, staring at her like she had turned chartreuse and grown another head.
“By George, I believe she’s got it,” Liam said in a horrible Cockney accent.
“I believe you’re right, brother,” Penn added. “And we need ta take her upstairs and show her jes’ how much we’ve missed touchin’ our beautiful Dream Weaver.”
“Sounds like a plan ta me,” Liam said as he pushed back his chair, stood, and pulled Suz to her feet.
Without another word, he bent at the waist, pulled her forward, and then straightened with her hanging from one shoulder.
“Liam, put me down. I can walk.” Suz tried to sound indignant, but her giggles gave away how she really felt. “Or run for that matter.”
“Nae, luv, ye need ta save yer strength as we’ve got a lot of time ta make up fer,” Penn said, following as Liam headed through the house to the stairs.
He carried a basket which she saw held several bottles of water, juices, and her favorite soda as well as some fruit and granola bars. He was prepared to spend the day in bed. That thought had her nipples and clit tingling with excitement as Liam climbed the stairs two at a time.
“Little lass, I think you’re also way overdue for a spanking…or two,” Liam said in his deep, steel-laced Dom voice as he ran a hand up the back of her thigh until he was able to pat one ass cheek.
“A spanking? Why?”
In response to his touches, she ran her hands down his back and into his jeans. There was just enough room for her to cup his ass then wrap her arms around his hips, but her fingers could not reach his cock.
“Because after all this time with us, ye ken talking about how yer feelin’ is as important as keepin’ yerself safe,” Penn said as he pulled her shirt off, leaving her topless as she hung from Liam’s shoulder.
“And ye never came ta us and told us how ye were feeling,” Liam picked up the lecture as he pushed open the bedroom door and carried her toward the bed.
“Well, you never talked to me either,” Suz pointed out before screeching as Penn bent forward and tossed her onto the center of the bed.
As she bounced, Liam reached up and jerked her shorts completely off. Once she settled on the bed, he moved to the foot of the bed to stand beside his twin.
“On yer belly, lassie,” he ordered.
Knowing how they wanted her, she decided not to follow their commands. It was time their Dream Weaver got her own way. Instead of
logrolling, she sat up then flipped around so she was on her belly but her head was at the foot of the bed. Grinning widely, she licked her lips as she intently watched her men strip off until they were as naked as she was.
“Oooo, yum,” she purred, reaching out and stroking Liam’s cock then reaching for Penn’s.
But he stepped back out of range. “Ahahah, little girl, don’t even think about tryin’ ta get out of yer punishment before we get ta the lovin’.”
When the brothers parted to climb into bed on either side of her, she rolled over. Looking from Penn to Liam, she pouted. “If I get spanked, then I think you two should, too.”
The brothers chuckled in unison.
“Yeah, like that’s going to happen,” Liam said.
Without another word, Penn moved to half cover her, then dropped and pinned her to the bed. Before she could fight, he slid his arms under her and rolled so she lay sprawled across his chest.
When she tried to squirm out of his hold, he squeezed her tighter until she stilled. Then he looked past her. Suddenly a hand came down hard in the center of her left ass cheek. Hot pain shot through her ass to the nerves that led to her clit. She cried out in surprise, but as the spanking continued, the pain heated up her skin and ratcheted up her arousal to a white-hot level.
Her nipples dragged through and over the hair covering Penn’s chest, growing tighter with each heartbeat until they were throbbing points of near pain. Her cunt overflowed as her clit and all the muscles connected to it tightened as if preparing for one giant, long-overdue orgasm.
Suz panted with arousal as tears of emotional release flowed. Her need climbed higher and higher. It would take just a little more to send her flying. She shifted her legs to either side of Penn’s thigh. She began to hump his leg, needing just a bit more to throw her over the edge, but there just was not enough pressure in the right place to ignite her release. Two more slaps on her ass might have done it, but as if he could read her mind, Liam stopped and began to rub at her red-hot ass instead.