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McKenzie, Cooper - Taming Blaze [Club Esoteria 8] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

  On the ride back, she worked to keep up her side of the conversation, but her mind had a hard time following. Once they were back at the barn, she followed Andy’s lead in taking the saddles and bridles off the horses and then giving them a quick brush down before leading them into stalls.

  At that moment, Mack appeared with buckets of food and fed the horses, then hung around. She remained silent as the two men talked, a soul-deep weariness grabbing hold of her. All she wanted at that moment was to curl up and go back to sleep to allow her subconscious to unravel the crazy ideas that were sneaking into her thoughts.

  She remained mostly silent on the drive home. It wasn’t until Andy pulled into her driveway and parked that she looked at him and asked the question that had muscled its way to the top of her list of topics to discuss.

  “What do you want from me?” As soon as she said the words, she realized it was waaaaaay too soon to be discussing such things, but the mama-bear instinct to protect had kicked in.

  He looked at her and blinked. “Excuse me?”

  He seemed stunned by the implication of her question, but Blaze was too caught up in her own dismayed thoughts for his reaction to sink in. In the past hour, she had worked herself into a near panic at the thought that all he wanted was an occasional play session, whether in the club or not. Though she had only known him for a handful of hours over the past days, her heart had made its declaration that it wanted this man, and for more than just an occasional play scene.

  “What do you want from me? Maybe I should word it, what part am I going to play in your life? Fuck buddy when you have an itch to scratch? Kitten to your Master when you want to play at the club? Friend with benefits? Or something else? I need to know so I wear the right panties.”

  Blaze stopped breathing as the man in the driver’s seat blinked again. This time his expression went completely blank. Dom blank. Oh fuck, she’d done it this time. No doubt he would throw her out of his truck and call Taurus and demand she be tossed out of Club Esoteria, too.

  Well, if so, she would deal with it. But in order to deal with anything, she needed to know how sand-filled the ground was she stood upon.

  “Breathe, Blaze,” he ordered softly.

  She took a breath then flinched when he reached across the space between them, expecting to be slapped out of her seat. Instead of physically reprimanding her for being such a bitch, he cupped her cheek in his palm.

  She dropped her gaze, not able to focus on anything until a movement behind his zipper caught her attention. Apparently, her rude sassiness had turned him on. The front of his jeans was inflating with an apparent arousal.

  “My eyes, little one. Look into my eyes,” he said, sounding amused and not offended.

  Reluctantly she raised her eyes to his and was shocked to find they were now amber. Her pussy clenched and dampened in instant response.

  “I know it’s too soon to talk about the long term, but you asked the question. Yes, I see you as my kitten when we play,” he said as his gaze bore deep into hers. “I also see you as a new friend, a beautiful, feisty woman I would like to get to know much, much better, and maybe someday, if we’re both happy with the way things develop between us, even more than that. But for now, you are a wildcat in need of taming to my hand.”

  Blaze’s eyes went wide at his blunt assessment of their situation. He had been able to put into words everything she was feeling but would not have been able to voice if he had asked her.

  “So what now?”

  “We went a long way toward building trust between us this afternoon, but this week we’re going to travel even further down that road. I’m on shift this week, so we won’t be able to play at the club on Friday. Maybe we can meet Saturday night for some fun instead. In the meantime, I want you to think about what you want out of this relationship. Do you want to be my kitten? Do you want to be my fuck buddy? Can you see me as more than just an occasional fuck when you’re horny?”

  Blaze sucked in a breath as he turned her questions back on her. She had not given thought to the possibility that she would have a choice. Usually she just went along with whatever the man she was with dictated.

  “But there is also some training I want to get started,” he continued, his voice dropping to the deep, dark-as-sin, Dom voice. “You don’t need to worry about what panties to wear as you will not wear them from now on, unless it’s absolutely necessary. You will wear bras at work or when out running errands. When I call, you will answer and follow my instructions to the letter. Unless you receive permission to do otherwise, you will wear skirts or dresses at all times. Can you live with these rules so far?”

  Blaze nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “From here on out, your orgasms belong to me. You can play with yourself, if you wish, but will not come unless I give you permission. Give me your phone.”

  It took a minute for her to get past the no-orgasm rule to his demand for her phone. Pulling it out of her pocket, she handed it over without question. He turned it on and spent a few minutes programming several numbers into it. Then he handed it back to her.

  Wrapping his right hand around the back of her neck, he drew her across the center of the truck for a long, deep, wet kiss that left them both panting when he finally broke it off.

  “Now, little one, you will go inside, take a nice hot shower, fix something good for dinner, and relax tonight. We’ll talk later.”

  “Okay,” Blaze said, once again wobbled by the man’s ability to arouse her with the simplest actions.

  She fumbled with the door but finally opened it. When she slid off the seat and landed on her feet, her knees buckled, and she had to catch herself on the door handle to keep from ending up sprawled across the grass. She did not look over her shoulder to gauge Andy’s reaction. The dark, sexy chuckle told her that he had seen everything.

  Once she was steady on her feet, she stepped away before looking at him over her shoulder. “Have a good week.”

  “Lock your doors. Be safe. We’ll talk later.”

  Blaze nodded and closed the door. She was again surprised that Andy did not start his truck and pull out until she was safely inside her little house. Only when he was out of sight did she pull out her phone and check the contacts list, looking for what he had entered.

  “Z Master,” she read after scrolling through the entire listing to the last entry.

  Well, at least that would make him easy to find. He was the only listing under Z in her phone book. With a sigh of strange contentment, Blaze set the phone on the coffee table and went to do her Master’s bidding of taking a long, hot bath, followed by dinner and an evening watching old movies.

  Chapter 8

  “Why the hell are you doing this?” Blaze asked herself Wednesday night as she looked down at the skimpy, black-and-white thong and her black fuck-me heels that was all she wore as she waited for the phone to ring with the special ringtone she had assigned only to Master Z’s number.

  Even as she questioned the wisdom of the late-evening visit to the firehouse for whatever games Master Z had come up with, her thong was already growing damp from the juices overflowing her excited pussy. The cool air of her little house wafted against her beaded nipples, adding to the arousal that had haunted her and grown more intense with each conversation they had.

  She and Master Z had talked several times each day, starting with a late-night call Sunday during which they had discussed their adventure in the woods as well as at least a dozen other topics. Since then, their conversations bounced from one topic to another in the most nonlinear fashion Blaze had ever experienced. Not only did they share their sexual history and talk about first kisses, first make-out sessions, and first loves, they talked politics, books, religion, sports, and their jobs.

  Each morning he called as she ate breakfast and got ready for the day so they could share their plans for the day. He worked Monday and Wednesday, so those days included the work, training, and the other tasks involved in being a professional fire
fighter. Tuesday he was off and worked on his truck before helping a friend put together an outbuilding for another friend. She told of the appointments and running around she needed to do to keep up with her various clients without using names or specifics.

  He called again as she was driving home in the evenings and allowed her to unload about the frustrations and the glories each day held. Late at night another call would come where they shared more about their lives before the topic veered to sex, experiences they had had, as well as things they might be interested in trying. Those usually ended up with their imaginations taking off as they talked each other close to orgasm. Monday he had allowed her to finish, but last night he had stopped them before they found the ecstasy that seemed to find so easily, even when connected only by phone.

  This evening’s call was different. After she had shared the highlights of her day, his voice took on the Dom tone that melted any resistance her feisty personality might want to put up. He had instructed her to relax in a hot bath and enjoy a good dinner, and when he called later that evening, she would come to him. He told her what to wear and where to park so her presence would not be too obvious.

  Before she could argue, clanging bells went off in the background, drowning out anything further he said, and then the phone went dead as he went to work. So here she sat, nearly naked, horny as hell, and waiting for the damn phone to ring.

  As she waited, she found herself surprised that she had not refused anything he had suggested to this point. She had already grown accustomed to and even looked forward to the phone ringing with his special ringtone and sharing her day, her thoughts, wishes, and dreams with this man. They were no longer strangers, and she was growing both nervous and excited at the knowledge that she would be seeing him in just a little while.

  The silence of the house grated on her nerves, so she grabbed the remote and turned on the television for company. At the same time, the heat clicked on, and cool air began to move swirl around her. She shivered as a chill shot through her.

  “Hurry up and call already,” she muttered.

  Carrying the phone with her, Blaze stalked through the house to her bedroom. She grabbed the oversized T-shirt that hung from the closet doorknob. It was the comfort shirt she usually wore after a long, hard day, and tonight it would keep her warm until the phone rang.

  Returning to the couch, she curled up at one end and began flipping through channels, hoping to find something that would take her mind off thoughts of what Master Z had planned, as well as the horniness that thrummed through her with each beat of her heart. She settled on a musical playing on the classic movie channel. She had seen it a dozen times but within minutes found herself once again caught up in the story.

  She jumped when the phone rang two hours later. She had dozed off while watching the final scenes of one movie and now saw that a black-and-white drama played on the television.

  Clicking on the phone, she sat up and stretched. “Yes, Master?” she answered before yawning widely.

  “It’s time, kitten. Come to me,” he said, his tone low and dark and that of the sexy Dom she had come to know and admire.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied as she worked one arm free of the shirt.

  “Ten minutes in the back parking lot.”

  “I’ll be there,” she said, glancing at the clock sitting on top of the television.

  He cut the connection without another word.

  Blaze turned off her phone and crossed to her purse where she slid it into the pocket designated just for it. After stripping off her shirt and returning it to the bedroom, she pulled on her long coat then grabbed her keys and purse and headed out the door. It would only take a few minutes to make the drive to the firehouse, but she wanted to be there early, just in case.

  * * * *

  Andy closed the big bay doors then did a final walk-through of the station. Everyone had retired to the dorm in the last hour, but his need kept him awake. He sent up a quick prayer that things would be quiet during the next hour while he and Blaze spent a little quality time together. Not seeing her, touching her softness, or taming the out-of-control fire that leapt into her eyes when she wanted to argue then changed to a softened acceptance as she complied with his orders, had gotten to him. He was bending more than a few rules by having her come to him after-hours so he could satisfy the ache in his balls and the Dominant spirit that needed to play just a little, but they both needed this time together, no matter how forbidden it might be.

  He patted his pockets as he headed down the hall to the back door. He had his keys, his phone, and a handheld scanner, just in case. The new toys he had bought his little kitten waited in his truck along with several blankets. The piece of plywood he had spent yesterday fitting to the bed of his pickup for tonight’s playtime would be too hard on her back if he did not used them as padding.

  He crossed the parking lot quickly, trying to keep to the shadows just in case anyone upstairs was looking out, though he doubted they would question his roaming. He was always out walking the parking lot, walking the building, unable to sit still for very long. He would rather be outside than in watching television, unless the Redskins were playing, and football season was over.

  At his truck, he quickly padded the wood before securing the lengths of chain to the tie-downs in his truck bed and laid out the new toys he had bought. As he finished, a car engine gently broke the near silence of the night. He climbed out of the truck bed and walked the short distance between where he had parked that morning and where Blaze now pulled in.

  As soon as she climbed from the driver’s seat and closed the door, he grabbed her, pulled her to his chest, and kissed her hard. As soon as his arms wrapped around her, something inside his chest settled, and he felt like he could stay right here, kissing her for a month or two, and the rest of the town, could go to hell.

  * * * *

  Blaze stiffened for a moment when a man in dark clothes and a baseball cap grabbed her, but as his lips covered hers, his scent surrounded her, and she relaxed. Andy. Master Z. The man who was taking over her mind and body while battering down the walls that she had carefully constructed around her heart.

  He did not release her until they were both panting, and only then partway. Setting her back on her feet, he kept one arm securely wrapped around her shoulders as he guided her to a nearby pickup truck that she recognized through the dim light as his. He did not release her until they stood next to the back where she noticed the gate was down.

  “It’s a warm night, isn’t it?” he asked, sounding intense and yet too casual for her comfort.

  A shiver of excitement raced through her. They were alone, and it was late enough for no one to be around, and she knew, just knew with absolute certainty that he had something devilish up his sleeve.

  “Yes, it is warm,” she responded carefully.

  “Too warm for that heavy coat you’re wearing. Take it off.”

  She hesitated a moment, and then reached down and began to slip the buttons through their holes. Not sure what to expect, she had only buttoned it to midthigh. As she worked the buttons free, he knelt before her, and she felt him secure fur-lined cuffs around her ankles before he straightened again.

  When she reached the top button between her breasts, she hesitated, but a look into his face had her slip the last one before shrugging it off. He caught it before it dropped to the ground and tossed it over one side of the truck bed.

  “Wrists,” he said, holding out one palm.

  With only a heartbeat’s hesitation, Blaze laid both wrists across his palm. She watched as he quickly wrapped cuffs around them as well. Then he stepped back.

  “Damn, that is a beautiful sight, kitten,” he said with a grin as he traced a finger along the top of her thong. “Now, get that sexy ass in the truck, on your back, with your knees to your chest.”

  Hearing a car drive by on the road a couple hundred yards away, Blaze scrambled into the dictated position, half-afraid someone might see them,
though they were well shielded from the roads that ran along two sides of the fire station property.

  “Arms down by your side,” Master Z ordered as he climbed up and knelt just inches from her ass.

  The air touching her wet, overflowing pussy sent a shiver through her as she waited for what he would do next. She fought the urge to pull away when he took her left wrist and clipped it to the cuff on her left ankle. She sucked in a breath when he repeated the action on her right side then picked up a chain and, after measuring it, connected it to the hook as well.

  In seconds, he had her immobilized and spread wide for anything he might like to do. At least he’d left the thong on so she wasn’t completely naked. As she lay waiting, she sent a silent prayer Heavenward that the bells, whistles, and sirens that called him to duty would remain silent for the night or however long it took for him to finish whatever it was he was about to do to her.

  “Oh, kitten, you are a sight,” he said as he moved until he knelt between her widespread legs. “And you’re all wet.”

  As he spoke, he ran a finger up her centerline beside the thong string, from taint past the opening to her pussy to her clit that was pulsing with each beat of her heart. She bit her lip as she moaned, and the heat of his finger contrasted with the cooling juices that coated her skin.

  “Like that, do you?” he said. He bent forward and licked the same trail that he had just traced with his finger. He shifted the thong out of his way, baring her completely to his touch.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, fear keeping her from speaking any louder.

  She tried to rock her hips up as he continued lapping at her, but found that this position kept her securely in place and still. When he reached up and covered her breasts with warm hands, she began to moan softly as the arousal that had clung to her like kudzu on a pine tree grew and expanded further. Her eyes closed, and her head began to rock back and forth with the rhythm of his hands and lips on her body.