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Theophilus Page 6

  * * * *

  Lyssa woke smiling until she opened her eyes and did not recognize her surroundings. It took another minute for her to remember coming home with Theo for a weekend of being Little to help with research for her next book. The memory of him masturbating her to multiple orgasms had her cheeks burning.

  “Good morning, Squish. Did you sleep as well as I did? Even without Daddy in bed with us, I slept better than I had in a long, long time. But now I have to pee.”

  Climbing out of bed, she wondered where her Daddy was. Tiptoeing across the room, she peeked into the big bedroom and found Theo sprawled across the bed on his stomach. His arms and legs were spread wide, and he was snoring softly.

  Lyssa crept around the bed and into the bathroom, slowly closing the door behind her so she didn’t make any noise and wake Daddy. After using the toilet, she washed her hands and rinsed out her mouth. Now she was ready to wake up her Daddy.

  Easing the bathroom door open again, she got down on the floor and crawled to the side of the bed. Theo’s steady breathing continued. Once she reached the side of the bed, she lifted herself until she could peek over the bed. She had to roll her lips over her teeth to keep excited giggles from erupting and giving her away.

  She peeked over the edge of the bed and then oh so slowly crawled onto the bed. When Theo shifted, she froze then counted to twenty twice before she began to move across the mattress again. Finally, she was in position kneeling beside Theo’s hip.

  Leaning over, she dropped her hands on the back of his shoulders. “Good morning, Daddy!” she cried as bounced up and down on his shoulders as if performing CPR.

  She was unprepared when Theo somehow rolled over, grabbed her, and flipped her onto her back with her hands pinned to the bed beside her head. He then leaned over to stare down into her face. She swallowed hard when he frowned.

  “Good morning, Daddy?” the words were a question this time.

  Was her Daddy not a morning person? Had she already worn out her welcome because she’d fallen asleep before they could have sex?

  Was she in trouble for waking her Daddy up?

  Before she could have a meltdown, Theo’s expression softened, and he smiled down at her. “Good morning, little bird. Did you sleep well in your bed?”

  “Oh, yes, Daddy. I slept better than I had in ages and ages. Even Squish slept all night and didn’t wake me up like he normally does. But I’m awake now. What are we going to do today?” she asked, talking so fast her words nearly blurred into one long stream.

  “First, we are going to get dressed and have breakfast. Then, if it’s not too hot outside, we’ll go outside and play for a bit.”

  “Can I finish weeding the garden?” Lyssa asked.

  “Yes, you can finish weeding the garden. Later, when it’s too hot to play outside, we can watch a movie or play a game. After lunch Little girls lay down for a nap and then this evening we have a dinner to go to.”

  “A dinner? With who?”

  It felt like bugs were crawling around inside her tummy at the thought of being around other people. She wanted to stay Little and didn’t want to share her Daddy with anyone this weekend.

  “Nonna demands the family get together every Friday evening for dinner,” Theo said. “I thought you’d like to go and meet everyone.”

  Lyssa began to slowly move her head back and forth in a negative response. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Why don’t you go, and I’ll stay here. I’ll be good, I promise,” she said softly.

  “No, Little girls don’t stay by themselves during family dinner. Besides, you have a lot in common with the women in the family.” Theo leaned closer before he whispered, “They’re Littles, too. Well, except for Nonna, she’s only little in stature.”

  “What’s a nonna?” Lyssa asked once her panic at being the only Little at the family dinner eased.

  “Nonna is the Italian word for grandmother. My parents died when we were young, and our grandparents raised us. She’s going to love you. Just don’t let her talk you into anything you don’t want to do,” Theo said with a smile that showed he was more than a little fond of the matriarch of the Santi family.

  “Um, okay,” Lyssa said. “Daddy?”


  “I’m hungry.”

  “Well, we can’t have that. Why don’t you go get dressed and make your bed while I get dressed and make my bed. Then we’ll go make some breakfast.”

  “All right,” Lyssa said then began to wiggle out from under her Daddy.

  “But first.” Theo stopped her.


  “First, Daddy needs a good morning kiss.”

  Puckering up, Lyssa lifted her head from the mattress and smacked her lips against his. When she dropped her head back down again, he followed, tilting his head slightly and bringing their lips together perfectly. He then took control of the kiss, and she relaxed, allowing him to guide and direct her wherever he wanted to go.

  That was, after all, a Daddy’s job.

  After kissing her until they were both gasping for breath, and she was squirming with the need for more, Theo finally broke the kiss and grinned down at her. “Okay, little bird, time to get up and get the day started.”

  Huffing a sigh at being denied the treat she wanted, Lyssa quickly rolled out of bed and headed to the nursery alcove. “Not fair,” she muttered as she went.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Nothing, Daddy. I’ll get dressed and make my bed and meet you in the kitchen,” she said instead of demanding he do more than just kiss her. A glance into his eyes told her being demanding might earn her a hot butt, which was the last thing she wanted.

  After all, Daddy was in charge.

  * * * *

  Theo climbed off his bike and helped his woman take off her new sparkly, neon-green helmet. “We’ll have to see if we can order boots to match,” he said with a smile.

  “Oh, no, Daddy. That would be too much. These boots work just fine,” Lyssa said as she kicked her feet up, showing off the cowboy boots she’d worn.

  “For now,” Theo replied as he took her hand in his and began to gently pull her along toward the big farmhouse that sat near the entrance to the Kinky Saints MC compound.

  Doing a quick count of the motorcycles lined up in the driveway, he acknowledged they were the last to arrive. He had not planned that, but it had taken Lyssa longer to decide on a helmet than he’d thought it should. But apparently, rushing was not something a Little was capable of, especially when it came to an important decision like what color helmet she should get.

  “Maybe you should go without me. I can walk to your house from here and fix myself a sandwich.” She tried once again to get out of dinner with the family.

  Stopping, he turned and looked down at her. She had been trying to get out of family dinner all day, and he was tired of it. “Lyssa, you are going inside. Whether you go with a red butt or not is up to you.”

  He watched as she swallowed hard and stared at his chest. After several long seconds, she took a deep breath before looking up at him. “Okay, Daddy. I’ll go, but don’t blame me if they don’t like me.”

  They were climbing the steps to the wraparound porch when the front flew open, and two women rushed out.

  “Cara? Annie? What are you doing here?” Lyssa released Theo’s hand and hurried the last few steps to where the two women were bouncing excitedly.

  “We’re here for dinner with the family,” Cara said as she pulled Lyssa into a hug. “What are you doing here?”

  “Oh, well, um,” Lyssa stammered before looking at Theo, who was watching them with a confused smile. How was she supposed to explain their relationship? Even though Cara Michaels was her best friend, and Annie Griffin was in the top three, would they understand what she and Theo were doing?

  “She’s here for dinner with the family, as well. Littles, I’d like to introduce you to my Little girl,” Theo said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and dropped a kiss o
n the top of her head.

  “You’re Little?” Annie asked, looking shocked. “I always thought you were a Big.”

  “How did you meet?” Cara asked. “I’ve been meaning to introduce you two, but…”

  “Life got in the way,” all three women finished together.

  That had become a common excuse lately for them not to get together as they wanted. They were all so busy that finding time for a lunch or dinner was getting harder and harder to do. And now they each had a man in their life. A Daddy.

  “Sounds like we’re going to have to make sure our girls have regular playdates,” a man Lyssa did not recognize said from the doorway. He stepped onto the porch and dropped an arm around Cara’s shoulders.

  “Lyssa, this is Nico, my Daddy,” Cara introduced as she snuggled into his side. “He rescued me when I had lost everything after the fire.”

  “And this is my Daddy, Max,” Annie said when another dark-haired man joined them.

  “I agree, playdates will need to be scheduled,” Max said as he took Annie’s hand. “For now, we need to get inside for dinner before Nonna gets out her wooden spoon.”

  The men chuckled in unison as the three Little girls moved a hand to cover their bottoms.

  “Don’t worry, ragazze. I only use that spoon on nipoti culos,” an elderly woman said as she stepped into the doorway. “Now come inside so we can close the door and keep the cold air inside where it belongs.”

  “Yes, Nonna,” the men said as they ushered their women into the house.

  Theo held Lyssa back from following the others through the house once they were inside. “My grandmother might not spank your butt with her wooden spoon, but don’t be so sure I won’t borrow it if the need arises,” he said softly.

  “Yes, Daddy. I know,” Lyssa managed to say before she began to giggle.

  Dinner turned out to be a lot more fun than Lyssa had anticipated. Knowing Cara and Annie, two of her closest friends in Texas were also Little made it easier for her to accept herself as Theo’s Little girl. The family teased Theo after finding out that Lyssa was the woman Cara had been meaning to introduce him to, once things in her life settled down.

  After dinner, it took the Daddies quite a while to separate the three women. Finally, the men agreed to allow a Monday playdate with lunch and a movie out. The Littles exchanged one last hug before separating and climbing on the motorcycles behind their Daddies. Theo drove off first, but instead of heading home, he headed out the front gate of the compound with Lyssa wrapped tight around his middle.

  Once again, Lyssa’s nerves jumped, but this time with excitement instead of fear. She had no idea where they were going, but as long as her Daddy was in charge, it didn’t matter, she knew he would take care of her.

  Chapter Eight

  Theo pulled into the driveway in front of his house two hours later. Dinner with his family had gone well, and he was glad that Lyssa got along with the other Little girls, as well as the rest of his family. As they left, he needed to feel his woman wrapped around him while his motorcycle thrummed powerfully beneath them. In the past twenty-four hours, that feeling had become the ultimate aphrodisiac.

  He had driven them out into the country where he could open it up and race as fast as he could, though he didn’t push the limits of his motorcycle’s capabilities. He had precious cargo with him, and there was no way he would risk hurting her. After forty-five minutes, they came to a small town, and he stopped for gas.

  While there, his Little girl asked if they could get ice cream at the busy stand next door to the gas station. He agreed with an indulgent smile. His smile grew when she asked for a strawberry and gummi bear sundae once it was their turn to order. She then deemed his own hot fudge sundae boring, even with the whipped cream and cherry he’d asked to be added to both treats.

  By the time they arrived home, he had hoped to have himself back under control enough to put Lyssa in her Little bed and sleep alone in his own. The way he was feeling, if he took her to his bed, they would not sleep until the wee hours of the morning. Though they had spent the day getting better acquainted, he wanted her to continue experiencing life as a Little, no matter how much his cock urged him to treat her as a Big girl.

  Too bad Lyssa had not gotten the message he’d sent his body. As soon as they were inside with the front door locked, she threw herself into his arms, lifting her arms to his neck and pulling herself up his body so she could then encircle his waist with her legs.

  “Please take me to your bed tonight, Daddy,” she said, peppering kisses over his face. “I want to have sex with you.”

  Theo cupped her ass in his hands, holding her easily as he walked through the house to the bedroom. He did not answer until he entered the nursery. “Not tonight, little bird. While I’d like nothing more than to have you in my bed, you’re here to be a Little girl, which means you sleep in your nursery. Now, let’s get you ready for bed.”

  Theo kept a tight leash on his own need as he helped Lyssa change into her nightshirt. Once she was changed, he led her into the bathroom where he oversaw brushing her teeth and washing her face and hands free of any leftover sticky from the ice cream. After she used the toilet, he scooped her up and carried her back to the nursery.

  Laying her in the bed, he covered her with the soft blanket and tucked her in carefully. Then he handed her Squish. Though she did not fight him, her bottom lip was pushed out in a clear pout. Bending over her, Theo brushed a kiss on her forehead and the tip of her nose before taking that protruding bottom lip between his teeth, nipping it gently.

  He fought down a smile at her gasp. He then kissed her lips before he said, “Good night, little bird. Sleep well.”

  Despite her pouting about not getting her way, she was half asleep by the time he turned out the twinkle lights and the watching for the nightlights to click on. One last smile over his shoulder at his precious Little girl, and he left her to her dreams.

  * * * *

  “Shhhh, Little girl, it’s all right. You’re just having a bad dream.”

  The soft, dark voice pulled Lyssa out of her nightmare. It took another handful of seconds before she was fully back in her body and felt hard, warm arms surrounding her body, holding her against a rock-solid chest with muscles that rippled and shifted around her.


  Alive and holding her.

  Not squished to bits on the highway from an accident on his motorcycle.

  All at once, fresh tears filled her eyes. In the next moment, she was sobbing as she pressed her face against his chest.

  “Shhhh, little one.” Theo pulled her closer, his arms like thick steel bars holding her in place even as she struggled to escape.

  Crying was such a weak, girly thing to do, and she had been told nearly constantly throughout her life that she was not a girly girl.

  Or a weak one.

  She had become a strong, independent woman of the twenty-first century required to stand, and take care of everything all the time, on her own. Crying in front of Theo mortified her, but she could not make herself stop.

  The nightmare had been one she’d had nightly just after Jack’s death. It had eased off after she’d had several sessions with a therapist who helped her see that she was smarter than Jack and that Jack had been an adult and made the decision to go out and drink that night. In this dream, however, it had not been Jack, but Theo who’d had an accident. She’s seen his motorcycle hit a slick spot, skid, and then flip end over end down the highway. Theo then died after a pickup truck had run him over.

  “Talk to me, baby girl,” Theo urged, once her crying jag slowed until she was left in a teary, snotty mess.

  But Lyssa could not speak. She tightened her arms around his middle as she buried her face deeper into his wet skin, deeply breathing in the scent of healthy male as she listened to his strong heartbeat under her ear.

  Finally, she calmed enough to whisper. “You’re alive.”

  Theo shifted under her. He then pulled
away and rearranged them so they were lying on their sides face to face. “Was that what your dream was about?”

  Lyssa nodded. It was time to tell her Daddy why she had been so fearful of motorcycles and the men who rode them. Taking a deep breath, she released it on a shuddering sigh as her pulse slowed, and she regained an emotional footing. Looking into Theo’s face through the dim light coming from the nightlight across the room, she took another long, slow pull of air.

  “Jack bought a motorcycle about six months before he died. He had been wanting one since we got married, but I had always been able to talk him out of it. That time though, he did not talk to me first. He just went out and bought one. He paid for it with a bonus he got at work. Money that we had already decided to use to pay off some bills.”

  She took another breath as memories swamped her. “When I yelled at him about it, he slapped me as he told me he was tired of being treated like a child. He then began to rant and rave and blame me for all the problems in our marriage. That was the moment our marriage was over. I decided to leave him, but I had no money. It took me six months to make enough money to start over, make plans on where to go, and hire an attorney. Just days before I was going to leave, he went out to a bar with friends and ended up dead. For months afterward, I had nightmares. I saw the accident and watched him die, even though I had not been there. For some reason, I felt responsible.”

  Theo’s expression was blank, though his deep brown eyes blazed with rage. “Your husband hit you? Did he ever take you out on his bike?”

  Lyssa shook her head. “He never offered, and the one time I asked, he said I was too fat to ride with him.”

  “Do you still feel responsible?”

  Lyssa shook her head. “No, the therapist who suggested using the strap-on to help me feel less weak also helped me see that Jack was an adult, and his choices were his own.”

  “She was right. He was an adult and an asshole. You were not responsible for him ending up dead,” Theo said as he cuddled her against his chest.