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The Subbiest Sub of the Club Page 2
The Subbiest Sub of the Club Read online
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As a military enlisted veteran, she had always had a healthy respect for officers, but with these three, she wanted to give more. If asked, she would give them everything. She might have acted unimpressed during their discussion of three Doms, but the truth was, deep in her heart and pussy, she really did want to explore ménage and BDSM with them. But she knew she didn’t stand a chance.
Swallowing hard, she looked at each man to confirm his identity before dropping her gaze to the floor at their feet. Three men, three pairs of boots. A moment later, those boots disappeared from the edge of her vision, and the air around her began to waft across her bare skin as the men circled to check her out from all angles. She tried not to feel like a sow at auction, though it was difficult. Especially when they did not speak as they walked around her. By that point her nerves, which has been barely quivering, had moved through jittery to full-out polka.
Why did they not speak? Even if it was to criticize the bright red corset and black thong she wore in deference to the heat and humidity. She probably looked ridiculous in the skimpy outfit, but she had not had a lot of time to plan something more alluring to wear. The fact that the brand-new corset fit at all was thanks to Stacy arriving five minutes later and helping adjust the laces, so it would not fall off or shift around when she moved, but allowed her to breathe while wearing it.
Brown cowboy boots. Black biker boots. Tan lace-up construction-style boots. Three different men, three very different sets of footwear with their jeans. As they continued to slowly prowl around her, Jane hoped at least one of them approved of her appearance enough to ask for her company once they passed through the forest-green curtains that separated the lobby from the rest of the club.
Though she was growing restless, Jane forced herself to remain at attention with her head tilted down so she stared at their feet and lower legs instead of their faces. No need for them to see the fear and growing resentment in her eyes. That was a sure way to bring the attention of not just these three dominants, but of every Master and Mistress in the place. The last thing she needed after only a handful of visits to the club was to earn a reputation as a problem submissive.
“Head up, sub,” voice one said softly.
Jane raised her head and focused her gaze on the wall across the lobby.
“Sirs, this sort of activity is not permitted in the lobby,” the girl running the front desk said as the men continued to circle, like buzzards around a fresh corpse. “Please check in and then you can take this into the club.”
Jane only relaxed marginally when the three men stopped moving around her like a carousel and stalked to the front desk. Shifting her gaze like a submissive shouldn’t, she watched as the three men gave their names and were checked in. Two continued on into the club while the third returned to stand just to the left of her gaze.
“What are you looking for tonight, girl?”
“Eyes on me,” he ordered gruffly.
Jane shifted only her eyes, so they looked into a set of golden-brown eyes beneath a set of light-brown eyebrows. It took a second before she remembered his name was Brand Summers, and he was a Marine helicopter pilot. Rumor around the club was that he was just back from a year-long deployment to the Middle East, and the three men were looking for a woman who would be interested in what he and his two fellow Doms had to offer. She had also heard that the three men had three very different interests in the BDSM arts, and if a woman was blessed with an evening with all three, she would have to be helped to her car afterward.
“Now, what are you looking for tonight?” he asked again, his voice only slightly less severe than it had been a few seconds earlier.
Jane swallowed hard and gave the only answer she could. “I’m not sure, Sir. I mean, I don’t know what I’m looking for.”
Though tempted to add another Sir on the end for effect, she held back. She wasn’t sure anyone besides DI Cruz, the drill instructor who had tortured her and her fellow recruits through basic training, would appreciate the additional honorifics.
The man took a step closer, which brought his front within an inch of her left arm and side. “Well, I guess then we’ll just have to go inside and give you some choices. Or would you rather we take the choice away from you and give you what we want to, instead?”
Once again, Jane had to swallow as her thigh muscles tightened, her pussy clenched, and a red-hot shiver of need shot down her spine. Licking her lips, she took a breath and was finally able to whisper, “Yes, Sir,” though she realized the instant she said it that those words were not the answer he was looking for.
His eyes crinkled slightly as the corners of his lips turned up in a smirk. “Well, that answer is certainly clear as mud, so I’ll just take it to mean that you’re giving up your right to a choice and will be happy with whatever we wish to do to you.”
Jane blinked at his interpretation of her words. It took another blink before she realized that that was exactly what she wanted. She didn’t want to have to think, to approve a scene, or to do anything beyond accepting what was done to her. Her brain needed a vacation, and giving herself over to these three and their very different dominant styles might be just what she needed. She would start thinking for herself again tomorrow. Or later tonight once they finished with her.
She did not fight when he wrapped one large hand around her wrist and led her over to the check-in desk. “I’d like to see Jane’s paperwork,” he told the girl standing there.
Without a word, the girl picked up a computer tablet, woke it, and spent a few seconds tapping at the screen before she handed it across the counter to him. He read the screen, slowly scrolling through whatever information was on the page before nodding and handing it back.
“Thank you,” he said with a half smile.
The clerk returned the smile, which made Jane wish she was on the receiving end of his approval. “You’re welcome. Have a nice evening.”
His smile grew before he said, “It will be for someone, I’m sure.”
Turning from the counter, he slid his hand from Jane’s wrist down to take her hand in his. With a tug he started for the curtained doorway. “Come along, girl. We have some choices to make.”
* * * *
As he and his two best friends walked around and around the pretty little submissive with the spiked-up brown hair the color of mahogany, their earlier conversation about this woman came back to the forefront of his mind. As he had said earlier, he wanted a chance to take this woman under command and see if there could be something between them. A look at Colt and Zac told him they were of a like mind. The fact that the submissive they’d discussed earlier was the first one they met on entering the club had to be fate handing them a gift.
At least, that was how Brand would be looking at it.
While Jane might be delicately built, he couldn’t help but notice an inner strength that he had not seen in too many women. Rumors of her being a military veteran who had recently returned to civilian life, which would explain it. Looking at her now, willing to hand control over to another, made his cock perk up with interest. An evening of play with this pretty little subbie was just the diversion he needed. And if Colt and Zac wanted to join them, all the better.
First, though, they would spend some time getting to know Jane to make sure they could provide what she was looking for.
He was only mildly surprised when she followed him without question or argument through the curtain and into what he liked to think of as a Dom’s Wonderland. Everything they would need to enjoy the hell out of this woman was available in this building. And if not, they could always make a run to the local box store for a pervertible or two.
It was still early, so there weren’t too many people in attendance yet. He easily spotted Colt and Zac sitting at the bar talking to the bartender as they sipped on what he knew would be whatever cola the club served. The club’s two-drink limit would be saved for later in the evening, and he would not partake since it was his turn t
o play designated driver.
“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go see if my friends want to play with us, or if it will be just the two of us doing some exploring tonight.”
“Yes, Sir,” Jane said softly.
Chapter Three
Jane was shocked at how her pussy heated up as she followed Master Brand into the club. For her, having one dominant interested was a big thing. It was too much to hope that all three men would be even marginally interested. She glanced toward the area to the right of the room about halfway down the wall. Two couches and a coffee table denoted the area where uncollared submissives waited and chattered until a dominant came along to snatch them up for a scene, or more. She met Stacy’s gaze and had to fight down a grin when her friend gave her a fisted arm pump.
“Girl,” Master Brand growled softly while squeezing her hand just to the point of pain. “Focus on us, unless you’d rather join your friend for the evening. It doesn’t matter who else is here tonight.”
“Yes, Sir. I mean, no Sir. I mean…”
“I know what you mean, Jane. I need your brain in our game, not across the room somewhere.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Turning her attention back to him, Jane could only admire the man who had chosen to play with her for the evening. He was at least a half foot taller than her own five and a half feet, and built like any woman’s wet dream. His plain black leather vest enhanced his broad shoulders and muscle-covered chest that tapered to a six-pack belly and narrow waist. Black cargo pants hung from his hips and lovingly hugged his tight, round ass.
As they approached the bar, Jane’s attention shifted, and she had to swallow the drool that filled her mouth as she admired Master Brand’s friends.
Master Zac had dark brown hair and turquoise eyes that popped out of his tanned face. His body was long and lithe like a swimmer’s, with the broad shoulders and tight, well-molded ass that seemed to be required of all military pilots. Tonight, he wore jeans with a brown leather vest which showed off his sculpted abs and a tattoo of an eagle with widespread wings over his heart. A tattoo of what looked like barbed wire encircled his left biceps, and whispers around the submissive couches said that these were not his only tats. Jane could only hope that someday she could confirm the truth.
Master Colt’s hair was black, his skin was bronzed, and his eyes were grass green. Like his friends, he was built long and lean with a drool-worthy ass, plus shoulders that could carry any problem laid on them. He sat at the bar wearing a pair of black cargo pants and a white dress shirt, making him look more gentleman than dominant, which fit his Daddy Dom persona.
When they reached his friends, Master Brand released her hand, but moved to stand behind her so she could not run away.
“Say hello to Master Zac and Master Colt,” he said, his voice dropping into the range that made her lock her knees in order to keep from falling to them in submission.
“Good evening, Master Zac, Master Colt,” she said, her eyes meeting theirs when she said their names.
“Good evening, Jane,” Master Colt said, his voice as gentle as she had heard his hands were.
Master Zac merely nodded as he looked her up and down. Though his facial expression was blank, she could read displeasure in his eyes. Her stomach clenched at the thought that the man did not approve of her.
Master Colt nodded to the bartender. A moment later, the man set two bottles of water on the bar in front of him. He handed one to Brand. The other he twisted the top off of and handed to Jane.
“Thank you, Sir,” she said softly as she accepted it. Licking her lips, she lifted the bottle and drank deeply. The cold water did little to ease the heat that raged through her body at being so close to the three hot-as-sin dominants.
Brand waited until she lowered the bottle before he spoke again. “Will you be participating in The Submissive Games?”
She nodded as she stared at the bottle in her hand. “Yes, Sir. The email I got gave the impression that the games were not an option, especially for single submissives.”
She looked up in time to see the three men nod. They then held a silent conversation around her consisting of shrugs, head tilts, and nods.
“If you are agreeable, we would like to be your cheering team during the games. One of us would be here for each of the Friday nights and would help you celebrate as you advance in the games. On the final night, we will all be here.”
“Why?” Jane said before she could stop herself.
“Why what?” Colt asked.
“Why would the three of you want me? You can have any sub in the club just by snapping your fingers. Why me? I mean, well, not that I don’t appreciate it, but I’m a newbie to BDSM and to the club. I probably won’t make it past the first night. ”
Master Zac shocked her when he swiveled in his seat, raised his arm, and slid his hand around the back of her neck. She could only obey when he pulled her to stand between his widespread knees. The edge of his barstool hit her just at the top of her thighs, sending quivers of want through her and causing her pussy to grow even more damp.
He leaned in until they were eye to eye with only a couple of inches separating their lips. “Don’t question our motives, pet. Just answer the question. Would you be interested in spending the next few weekends with one, or more, of us?”
His broodiness made her nervous, but it also turned her on more than she had ever been turned on before. She had done scenes with other dominants in the club, but none of them had affected her as strongly as just talking with these three did. She had noticed that just a look from any one of them and she was ready to beg for their attention. But now that she had it, she was afraid she was not up to the challenge of pleasing three masters.
She knew she had taken too long in considering the question when Master Zac growled, “Girl.”
* * * *
Though Zac was feeling a bit growly, just touching Jane’s neck eased the darkness of his mood. Watching her think through their proposition, then try to give them an out made the icy crust around his heart warm just a bit.
He tried to keep his expression neutral as he waited for her answer, but when she bit her bottom lip and blinked for a third time without answering, he had had enough. Tilting his head slightly to the right, he leaned in and licked at her bottom lip. Then he plastered their parted lips together, kissing her long, deep, and thoroughly enough that his cock slammed to full attention and demanded more than just a kiss from her.
Jane did not fight him, did not try to escape his hold. She surprised him when she relaxed into the kiss to the point she brought a hand up to rest on his shoulder. Sliding his free hand around to grab an ass cheek, he held her still and used her body to pull himself across the seat of his chair until his cock and balls pressed firmly against her lower belly. He smiled evilly when she gasped at his touch.
He knew her shock came from the size of the erection trapped between them more than the fact that he had her trapped against his body. His cock twitched with need as he oh-so-slowly backed the kiss down from inferno to small campfire. No matter how much they both might enjoy it, it was way too soon to pull her onto his lap, open his pants, and shove his cock into her wet pussy.
When he finally broke the kiss, she remained where she was, her eyes closed, and panting as if she had just run a marathon.
“Damn, brother, that was smoking,” Colt said, shattering the mood.
“Uh-huh,” Brand grunted in agreement.
“Girl? You ready to answer the question yet? Or should we go upstairs and discuss it without clothes coming between us?” Zac asked.
He couldn’t hide his smile when Jane opened her eyes and blinked before focusing on him. “Question, Sir?”
“Would you be interested in getting to know us, all three of us, better over the next few weeks of the games?” Brand asked.
“Ummm, okay, sure. I’d like that,” Jane answered, sounding more than a little lost in the fog that Zac found himself fighting.
od. How about we move somewhere a little more private for the rest of this conversation,” Colt suggested.
“Okay, yeah, sure,” Jane responded, her words still fuzzy around the edges.
The three men chuckled as they looked around for an area that was free and yet somewhat secluded where they could talk, and maybe play, a little with the woman who was edging subspace just from two kisses.
* * * *
Knowing Brand had tasted the tasty little subbie before they had even entered the main part of the club, and now Zac had taken his kiss, Colt decided it was his turn. Easing the now-pliable Jane from Zac’s hold, he dropped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side. “Come along, little one. Let’s go over there and talk.”
“And more,” Brand added in a dark tone.
“Possibly,” Zac said.
“We hope,” Brand returned.
Colt led them toward the back corner of the room where a sofa and several club chairs were arranged around a low table. The space was tucked under the stairs, and several large planters provided an appearance of privacy. Not that privacy was something they were looking for. Not yet, but maybe soon. Over the past couple of years, the trio had developed a rhythm that worked well, not only for them, but also for the women they played with. As long as the woman accepted all three of them as her play partners, she would go home one happy, satisfied little submissive.
Once they finished talking and getting to know more about the woman, Zac would start the scene. He would use his colorful ropes and Shibari-style knots to tie the subbie. Just that immobilization would take most women out of their heads and ease them into subspace. A few fought the ropes, but relaxed once they were not going anywhere and could do nothing but accept what was coming. Zac would end his portion of the evening by fucking her to a blissful orgasm, or if the club did not allow penetrative sex, by using a vibrator on the woman before jerking himself off.