The Shy Girl and the Stripper (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online

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  “I don’t think that’s possible. But that can wait until tonight after the festivities are over, and we’re alone in my bed, with nothing but a condom between us.”

  Chapter Three

  Sunny wanted to argue, but before she could get over her shock at Geo’s bold statement, a gaggle of authors she had met at other conferences surrounded their table, and their quiet dinner for two became a dinner party for eight. While she loved catching up with old friends, and making a couple new ones, she had hoped for a little more time to prepare herself. Not that she would have had it with Geo around. Something about him pulled at her in a way that made her want to climb into his lap and cuddle. She was beginning to feel like her body had taken on a mind of its own, and it wanted Geo.

  After dinner, she managed to slip away from the group to take a different route back to the hotel. She hoped Geo had seen her but could not be sure as he had been talking with someone when she walked out. Not until his spicy, tangy cologne wrapped around her, and a warm arm dropped over her shoulders, pulling her into his side did she know for sure.

  “Nice maneuver,” he said casually. “I don’t think I could have done better myself.”

  “And how did you get away from your adoring fans?” she asked, surprised at the note of jealousy she heard in her tone.

  “I told them I had to pick up a few things before heading back,” he replied easily.

  When they reached the corner, he ushered her inside a tiny drugstore. She went without a fight, acting completely out of character, but curious as to where this attraction would lead.

  Geo’s arm dropped from her shoulder, and he took her hand once again, this time lacing their fingers together. To Sunny, this had to be one of the sexiest, most intimate ways a man could touch a woman. Something about the slide of his fingers between hers had her pussy shivering with excitement. When he handed her a shopping basket she accepted it without question and followed him deeper into the store.

  She was fine when he picked up the toothbrush. She did not even blink at the disposable razor. But when he picked up several boxes of condoms and a small bottle of lube, her face began to burn. She began to breathe harder, but did not have the strength to run for the door or make any sort of comment.

  He leaned down and brushed a kiss on her lips before whispering, “Have to keep my favorite author safe so she can write more books for me.”

  Stunned by the public display of affection, her lips tingled even after he pulled away and led her through the rest of the store. When they reached the refrigerator section, he walked without hesitation to the cooler door containing her favorite soft drink. Grabbing two, he placed them in the basket as well. How did he know she preferred soda to coffee or tea?

  They were halfway back to the hotel before her brain reengaged. The words that emerged stunned her more than they did him. “You seem certain I’m going to fuck you. Or are you just blowing smoke, and I’ll be listening to hot little chickies giggle as they scurry in and out of your room all night long?”

  Instead of being offended, Geo gave her a blank, unreadable expression. Then he pulled her into a narrow alley between two buildings. Pushing her against the brick wall, he stepped but did not actually touch her in any way, except for the hand still holding hers. He looped the handles of his shopping bag around her free hand before shifting his grip on her other one so that his fingers wrapped around her wrist.

  “You didn’t believe me back at the airport, did you?” he said as his free hand reached between them and pulled down the zipper of his jeans.

  Her breath stopped when he slid her hand through the opening in his jeans. She pulled in a small, sharp breath when her fingers connected with a very long, very erect cock. But he did not stop there. Guiding her, Geo wrapped her hand around its thickness and began to slide the joined hands up and down its length. When her hand began to move on its own, he eased his hold. “That’s for you, sweet Sunflower. No one else will ever again touch it like you are right now. That is my promise to you.”

  Her pussy pulsating, she licked her lips. Her thoughts narrowed to the one thing she wanted to do at that moment but not here. With a sigh, she released his cock, eased her hand from his pants, and closed the zipper. Then she took his hand and pulled him along behind her back out onto the street and toward the hotel.



  “You in a hurry, baby girl?” He sounded amused and confused at the same time.

  “Well, duh. We have to get back to the hotel and get you ready for the show tonight. That means I have to tend to that steel pipe in your jeans. And I refuse to suck your cock in a back alley while kneeling in a puddle of God only knows what, when we have two perfectly good hotel rooms with clean carpet and privacy.”

  “Uh-huh,” Geo said as she stepped up the pace a little more. “So does that mean you’ll be staying after the conference?”

  “It means for the next three nights I’ll be the only woman in your room. Beyond that, we’ll have to see,” Sunny said without committing herself.

  Her cheeks burned hotly as they entered the hotel. Somewhere in the last twenty minutes, she had lost her mind, transforming from shy girl into a sexual creature she did not recognize. Though she accepted that after the weekend Geo would move on to someone new, she was determined to enjoy every minute of this time with him. She would take home memories that she would hold dear for the rest of her life.

  For now, she would focus on the next half hour and giving this black-haired sex god a blowjob he would never forget as soon as she got a locked door between them and the world. As they crossed the street to the hotel, Sunny pulled her hand from Geo’s, and slid it into her pocket. No need for any of the conference ladies to know that they were up to.

  They were not alone in the elevator, nor walking down the hall as two giggly older women trailed after them, walking farther down the corridor to a room on the other side. Sunny opened her door and stepped inside quickly as Geo did the same at his door. Once the door closed, she threw the deadbolt in an automatic motion.

  After hanging her purse on the knob, she stepped out of her shoes. Looking at the open door between their rooms, she said, “You’d better be naked by the time I get in there.”

  There was no response as she stepped into the bathroom. Quickly taking care of business, she paused long enough to wash her hands and add a layer of glittery lip gloss before stepping out and going to the connecting door. She found Geo already there, standing in the doorway.

  “You’re not naked,” she said, raising one eyebrow as she looked at him from the off-white straw cowboy hat on his head to the bright red socks on his feet.

  He shrugged with a smirk. “Gigi made me promise I would not be naked with any of the conference attendees. She just didn’t say what I had to cover up.”

  Sunny could not help but giggle. “And the hat?”

  “Part of my costume for tonight.” One hand had dropped from where it had been holding the top of the doorjamb. His hand trailed down his chest and belly to wrap around the base of his cock. He began a slow stroking motion. “Now, sweet Sunflower, you said something about dealing with this?”

  Her pussy flooded, Sunny wanted nothing more than to strip and ride his shaft for the rest of the evening. But this moment was not about her wants. This was about making it so he would fit into what would no doubt be a pair of very small, very tight microbriefs. She had been to an exotic dance review show before, once, and figured that while Geo might not wear the same male version of a G-string, he would be wearing as little as he could get away with.

  Locking her gaze with his, Sunny crossed the room and knelt before the man. That put her eye to eye with the tip of his cock, which glistened with pre-cum. One hand on his leg for balance, she peeled his fingers from around his cock, replacing them with her own. His cock was long and thick, just the kind of cock she always dreamt about.

  Parting her lips, she blew a gentle breath across the head and down th
e shaft. Geo’s soft groan told her that he was as turned on by this as she was. Opening her mouth farther, she dragged just the tip of her tongue across the mushroom head, the taste of his fluids sending desire through her so intense that her hips bucked, her body demanding attention that would have to wait.

  “Damn, that feels good.” Geo ground out the words between gritted teeth.

  Sunny smiled as she dropped her head back on her neck to look at his face as she took just the head between her lips. Swirling her tongue around it, she cleaned the skin of the smeared drops of pre-cum, her action eliciting a gasp from Geo.

  She stared into golden brown eyes as she took in more, then even more until she could take no more without choking. His eyelids dropped, giving him a sexy expression that had her thighs clenching to put pressure on her clit. After watching his eyes close and his head dropped until his chin rested on his chest, her own eyes drifted closed.

  The arousal she felt giving him pleasure had her flying high without touching herself. Knowing time was growing short, she began to slide up and down his shaft, sucking and licking what she could without gagging herself, her hand gently massaging what would not fit into her mouth.

  Thoughts of the rest of the world drifted far away, until it was just the two of them joined together by the giving and receiving of pleasure.

  When Geo’s hands cupped her head, his fingers combing through her hair, then cradling her skull, her insides melted further. Her practical side made a mental note to change her panties before heading downstairs to join the party.

  Feeling the seconds ticking by, she sucked harder on his cock, bobbing up and down its length faster and faster. The hand on his leg slid up his thigh, then moved in, and gently closed around heavy balls. As if waiting for her touch, the sack drew up. Geo stiffened, his fingers tightening around her head. He made a long, low growling sound as his hips began to buck, and he began fucking her mouth.

  He came with a deep cry, his thick semen filling her mouth. She swallowed as fast as she could, needing to take a piece of this man into herself. She absently wondered if his fluid would also give her a bit of the self-confidence and devil-may-care attitude he radiated.

  She gentled her hold on his cock and her touch on his balls but did not release him until she had cleaned him thoroughly. Reluctantly, she released him. Pulling from his now slack hold, she settled back on her heels. Only then did she open her eyes and look up, hesitantly checking his reaction.

  His cheeks had taken on a ruddy glow, and he leaned one shoulder against the doorjamb. His eyes were closed, and he looked like he needed the building’s help to stay on his feet. When he did not move for nearly a minute, she grew concerned and pushed to her feet.

  “Geo?” she said, stepping close and placing a hand in the center of his chest. His skin was damp, and his heart pounded under her fingertips. “Are you okay? Oh, God, please tell me I didn’t break you.”

  She gave a squeak when he grabbed her, and pulled her for a tight hug. He held her head to his chest with one hand while his other hand snaked around her back and hugged her close. “Oh, sweet Sunflower, I am so much better than okay. And I cannot wait for this evening to be over, so I can return the favor in triplicate.”

  “Excuse me?” Sunny weakly struggled in his hold but was unable to gain her freedom. “I…I…um, no.”

  He pulled back and frowned down at her. She could feel her eyes had gone wide and her cheeks were growing pale at the thoughts that were racing through her head at cyberspeed.

  “What do you mean…oh, sweetheart, I meant I will be getting you off three times, not bringing anyone into the room. These rooms are ours, and no one else will step inside. In fact, before you come downstairs, put the Do Not Disturb sign out so even the maid won’t come in. This space is just for you and me.”

  Her fear slowly subsided as she slipped her arms around his waist. It took her a moment to calm herself and catch her breath. They stood wrapped together like kudzu vine on an oak tree until someone pounded on his door.

  “Geo? What the hell are you doing in there? You were supposed to be downstairs ten minutes ago!”

  “Shit,” he said, giving her a squeeze and dropping a kiss on the top of her head before releasing her. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you downstairs in a few and then back here afterward, okay?”

  She could not speak, so she just nodded and retreated to her room, pushing her connecting door nearly all the way closed. Blinking back tears she could not explain, she took several breaths for strength and courage before turning to her suitcase. She needed to change and get downstairs herself.

  First though, she needed to put some emotional walls into place. She worked on that as she changed into dry panties, a nicer shirt, and a pair of brand-new jeans, and rinsed out her need-drenched panties. After closing the light-blocking curtains, she turned on the lamp by the bed, and though she was still not sure she was ready for whatever the evening might hold, left her room to head downstairs.

  The evening’s event was in full swing though the main event had yet to begin. Alcohol was flowing, and the energy of a hundred excited women charged the air. Going to the bar, Sunny ordered herself a beer, which would take her to her self-imposed two-drink limit. She needed to relax, not get drunk.

  Though she still wanted to go upstairs and hide in her room until it was time to go home, she drank down half the beer. It was time to break out and enjoy every minute of the trip. If nothing else, she would sit back, and look at the experience as fodder for a possible future book.

  Chapter Four

  Though they were supposed to stay out of sight until they took the stage, Geo could not help himself. Stepping into the doorway at the back of the ballroom where all the scheduled sessions were being held, he scanned the crowd of rowdy women, concern growing until he found Sunny. She was at a table near the back, talking to a couple of other women. Even from a dozen yards away, he could tell she was tense and fidgety as she played with her beer bottle.

  He had pulled third place in the dance lineup and wondered if she would still be in the room in an hour? Or would she flee to her room, the energy of a room full of lusting women too much for her system?

  Suddenly Gigi stepped in front of him, her ever-present clipboard in one hand. “You’re not supposed to be in here yet.”

  “Keep an eye on Sunny for me. I think she might be upset.”

  “Oh, hell, what did you do now?” Gigi said. She pushed him out into the hall and out of sight of the room when a few of the ladies turned to check him out.

  “You knocked at a most inopportune time, and she might have taken things wrong.”

  Gigi’s gaze narrowed as she began to frown. “I told you to keep your pants on around the women. You didn’t sleep with her, did you?” she hissed, trying not to draw more attention to them than necessary.

  Geo could not help roll his eyes. “No, Gigi, I did not sleep with her.” Yet, he added silently.

  “Good, because if you hurt her, I have no doubt Shey will fly out here and hurt you. And I’ll help her,” Gigi promised. “Now stay out of sight until it’s your turn. Come on, Joey. You’re up first.”

  Before he could respond, she had spun on one of her high-heeled cowboy boots and stormed off. One of the other women who had started this annual get-together had been making announcements and had just introduced her as being the one in charge of this event.

  Turning, Geo knew he had to get his mind off his beautiful, sweet, shy Sunflower. He needed to focus on remembering the dance routine the other guys had helped him put together over the last two weeks.

  “Here, drink this,” Marcus, the dancer who had become Geo’s mentor in all things stripper, handed him a highball glass half-full of an amber liquid.

  Geo raised one eyebrow in query as he sniffed at the contents.

  “It’s your brand,” Marcus assured him. “Throw it back. You don’t go on for an hour, and it will leave you feeling loose, but slightly numb. With this kind of crowd that
’s the only way to get through it. In the meantime, come on, let’s run through your routine one last time.”

  * * * *

  Sunny frowned when she lifted her beer bottle and realized it was empty. Putting it down, her frown deepened when she saw another one, full and cold, sitting in front of her. “Where did this come from?” she asked the table at large as she put down the empty and picked up the full bottle.

  “I bought it for you,” the woman on her right said. “It’s the least I can do for all the pleasure you have given me since I found your books. I cannot tell you how many times I have reread them, and every time I laugh, and I cry, and I fall in love with the heroes all over again.”

  Sunny’s cheeks burned though she could not tell if it was the alcohol or the compliments as the other women sitting around the table added their words of appreciation.

  “Thank you,” she said, her shyness getting the best of her.

  “No, thank you,” the lady across from her countered before going on to say, “And I’m buying the next round.”

  “Oh, but…” Sunny trailed off.

  Instead of arguing she decided to just go with it. After all, all she had to do was make her way to the lobby elevator and then down the hall to her room. And if she got too bad, maybe she could talk Geo into helping her to her room. If he wasn’t too busy collecting phone numbers and room keys.

  So she drank three more beers during the first two performances. And the longer she sat and thought about Geo dancing in front of all these women, the more a resigned sadness that he could never be hers grew inside her. Lifting her beer, she wondered if this was her fourth of fifth. She questioned, but did not really think too hard about the answer.

  As she drank, she was able to ignore the action at the other end of the room, for the most part. By the time the second dancer finished doing lap dances at the end of his performance, Sunny’s fingers and toes were feeling tingly, and her lips had gone numb. These were sure signs that she was well on her way to being drunk. Her bladder was also screaming that she needed to make a trip to the little girls’ room to start recycling all that she had drunk.


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