Ace Gone Wild Read online

Page 6

After pulling up his jeans and buttoning them, he released Logan and wrapped an arm around his boy’s back. Half carrying him, they staggered to a pile of blanket-covered hay in the first stall. They kept that stall pristine for occasions just like now.

  They cuddled and snuggled without words, both just reveling in being together. When Logan shivered from the chilly night air, Logan decided it was time to head back to the house.

  Pushing to his feet, he pulled Logan up and with arms wrapped around one another, they staggered up the path that led to the house.

  “I’m sorry, Master,” Logan whispered about halfway to the house.

  “Forgiven,” Drake said softly then turned and kissed Logan’s cheek. “Think you have enough energy for a shower before we go to bed?”

  “Mmmm, yes, please,” Logan sighed as he dropped his head sideways to lean against his.

  Twenty minutes later, after a shower and more lotion to Logan’s ass, they were settling in to sleep when a scream cut the middle of the night silence. “No, not Nelson. Nooooooo.”

  Drake was out of bed in a heartbeat and down the hall before the echo of Kinsey’s words died away. He did not bother to question why she had left the door had been left open a few inches. He just pushed the door out of his way and hurried to the bed where the woman was fighting with the covers.

  “No! You’re lying!” she screamed just before she began to sob.

  Drake turned on the bedside lamp then laid a hand on her shoulder. There was no response from the woman. “Kinsey, wake up,” Drake ordered, using his Dom voice as he jiggled her gently.

  A moment later, watery green eyes fluttered open and she looked up at him. “Drake?”

  “Yes, Kinsey, it’s Drake,” he said as he scooped her up from the bed and sat down, leaning against the headboard with her on his lap. “Are you all right?”

  She frowned at him. She was obviously not fully awake yet. “I’m Ace Smith. Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

  Before he could answer, Logan entered the room. He wore a T-shirt and a pair of the flannel pajama bottoms they usually wore on cold winter evenings. He carried another pair in his hand. Only then did Drake remember he was naked. It took another moment for him to realize that under the covers she was currently wrapped in, Kinsey was naked as well.

  * * * *

  Being awakened, and then scooped from the bed and cuddled against Drake’s wide chest like a child startled Kinsey so much the nightmare she had been caught up in dissolved like morning fog in the sun.

  “Because, sweets,” Logan said as he crawled into the bed and settled in beside Drake before pulling her feet into his lap. “You were just screaming like a squadron of zombies were attacking you.”

  “I was?” she asked, right before her nightmare flooded back in. “Oh, shit, I’m sorry. I hadn’t had one in a week, and thought maybe I had gotten over them.”

  Siting in the dark on Drake’s lap, with one arm holding her tight and the other rubbing up and down her back, Kinsey could almost not feel mortally embarrassed. She slowly relaxed as Logan began to rub her feet and ankles. She wished they would forget about her nightmare and just go to sleep.

  “Who’s Nelson?” Drake asked softly, and her hope of keeping Nelson out of this relationship died a quick death.

  “Nelson Montrose was my Master,” she whispered as tears once again filled her eyes. She had been crying for six months, it time to stop and move on. Wasn’t that why she agreed to give herself to these two men? “He left me six months ago.”

  “Left? Where did he go?” Logan asked, his voice gentler than Drake’s but not less inquisitive.

  Kinsey sat passive as Logan wiped her eyes with several tissues. When he handed them to her, she blew her nose then dropped her gaze to her lap. “He died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. He and I were medical chopper pilots. He kept me under a tight leash. Without the structure he and the Air Force gave me, I don’t know how to stop the crazy ass stuff I’ve been doing.”

  The emotion she had tried to ignore for the past few weeks welled up in her heart, choking her with the need to get it all out. Instead of fighting it and the two men holding her so she could go and do something crazy, she gave in and prayed that Logan and Drake would pick her up once she hit bottom. Otherwise, she might have to find a tall bridge to drive her car off of, which might prove a challenge in the middle of Kansas.

  Closing her eyes, she let go, gave in to the emotion, and sobbed until she had no more tears to cry. Then she melted into Drake’s hold as Logan cleaned her up once more.

  Drake waited until she was finished before brushing a kiss on her forehead. “You’re not alone any more, sugar britches. We’re here for you,” he whispered.

  “Why do you call me sugar britches?”

  “Because you have the sweetest ass I’ve ever seen, in or out of pants.”

  Kinsey felt herself smiling at the compliment. Needing to thank them for their kindness, she looked up into Drake’s blue eyes. “May I suck your cock? Nelson said I was a good cocksucker.”

  * * * *

  Drake looked deep into Kinsey’s eyes and saw that, while she may say she wanted to service him, and he would have loved to feel her lips around his cock, her heart was not in the offer. It had been an exhausting day for them all, and what they really needed was to get some sleep.

  “That’s a really nice offer, sweetheart, but for now I’d rather have you put on Logan’s shirt and come sleep in our bed. Do you think you could do that?”

  Drake watched as a myriad of emotions flitted through her green eyes. Dejection, worry, fear, and finally acceptance. “Yes, Drake,” she replied softly as she relaxed deeper into his embrace.

  While Logan helped her out of the covers and into the T-shirt that hung nearly to her knees, Drake turned his back and pulled on the sleep pants Logan handed him. His erection was full and thick and more than willing to give his little sugar britches a taste but that was not what she needed right now. What they all needed was a good night’s sleep, and if that came while curled together in his bed, so be it.

  Once they were all dressed, Logan wrapped an arm around Kinsey and guided her out of the safety of the guestroom. After allowing her to use the bathroom, the three of them crawled in and got comfortable on the king-size bed. Kinsey was in the middle with her head on Drake’s shoulder and Logan curled up behind her.

  “Good night,” she whispered on a sigh.

  “Good night, sweets,” Logan said.

  “Good night to both of you. Now go to sleep,” Drake ordered gently.

  In less than a minute, he could feel Kinsey relaxing against him. Turning his head, he looked at Logan who was nearly asleep himself but was warily watching him.

  “Go to sleep, boy. There’s nothing that can’t wait until morning.”

  Logan nodded then shifted his lower body. “I’m just not sure I’ll be able to sleep. It has been ages since I’ve worn clothes to bed. I feel like they’re strangling my body.”

  Drake chuffed a laugh as he relaxed back onto his pillow. “Don’t get used to it. By tomorrow night I expect she’ll be running around just as naked as you do.”

  “Yes, Master.” Logan sighed as he followed Kinsey down the path to sleep.

  Drake lay awake a while longer, trying to figure out what had happened in the last half hour, and how he needed to handle things in the morning when their girl was wide awake, and back into fighting form. He smiled into the darkness that if she got too wild, he could always tie her up in the barn like he had Logan so the two men could love on her until she was boneless.

  He was almost asleep when his phone chirped. After taking care of the kittens for the last two weeks, he knew what the chirping meant. Looking at his sleeping babies, he did not have the heart to wake them. Instead, he rolled out of bed, pulled a T-shirt out of his dresser, and went to take care of the babies.

  Chapter Eight

  A bird chirping intruded on Kinsey’s dream of on a beach somewhere warm and having men we
aring short kilts taking care of her every need. She frowned as the bed moved and cool air washed over her toasty warm back and ass.

  Opening her eyes, she saw Logan walk around the bed and play with something on the nightstand behind Drake. The chirping stopped. Instead of coming back to bed, Logan went into the bathroom. He emerged a few minutes later, crossed the room, and disappeared down the hall.

  Pulling the blanket up to try and regain the warmth Logan had provided, she snuggled closer to Drake and tried to go back to sleep. Except after her years in the Air Force, she knew there was no way that would happen. Once she was awake, no matter if she had had three hours or ten hours of sleep, she was awake for the day.

  Slowly easing back from Drake’s side, she thought she would go and find Logan and help him with whatever task he was attending to at oh dark thirty in the morning. Before she had moved more than a few inches from Drake, she was pushed onto her back and a large, heavy, warm man covered her.

  He leaned in and brushed a kiss on her lips before pulling back and smiling at her through the dim light available. “Good morning, sweetheart. Where do you think you’re going?” Drake said as he slipped one heavy thigh between her legs to rest on her mound.

  “Good morning, Drake. I, um, was going to, um, go see what Logan was doing,” she whispered.

  “No, I don’t think so. Logan is taking care of the babies. While he’s doing that, I think you should take care of me.” With that, he shifted against her, and she felt his cock. His impressively long, thick, erect cock.

  Kinsey blinked. “What would you like me to do?”

  She wanted to add a Sir or Master to the end of the question, but knew she had not yet earned the right to call Drake by either of those titles. After all, he and Logan had taken her in but they had yet to define their relationship, and how she would fit into it.

  Drake stared at her then rolled out of bed. “If you need to use the bathroom, now would be a good time. Because I’m not sure when you’ll be allowed out of this bed again will be.”

  Still not sure how truthful the man was, she took him at his word. As soon as he closed the in suite bathroom door, she crawled out of bed and hurried to the bathroom down the hall and across from the guestroom where she had begun the evening. After taking care of business, she stopped long enough to brush her teeth, and wipe down with a wet cloth. She hissed at the feel of the cool cloth against her warm skin, but did not stop. She had no idea how long Drake’s patience would hold out and she really, really wanted to be back in bed with at least one of these men.

  She had a history, yes, but until Nelson had flown into her life, the men in her past had been one-night, or even one-week stands. Some were military, though never anyone she worked too closely with. Others were civilians, who she picked up in bars, or at restaurants, or bookstores. Men who didn’t know her liked her, the wilder the better. It was once they got to know her that problems developed.

  Even with Nelson, though the sex was okay, and his D/s control over her kept her under control, their relationship outside the bedroom was tolerable at best. She felt boxed in and wasn’t happy. She had never been sure if it had been the Nelson’s patronizing attitude toward her, or the fact that he seemed to take too much pleasure in punishing her.

  Stepping into the master bedroom, she found Drake leaning against the big solid wood headboard, naked. Light streamed in from the half-open bathroom door, allowing her to see his face. He met her eyes with a smile that seemed somewhat evil, causing her clit and pussy to tighten with an odd combination of fear and hunger, making her want to go to him.

  “Lose the shirt, girl,” he ordered, his voice gentle but with a thread of power that sent a shiver down her back. “Then come up here and join me.”

  Pulling the shirt over her head, she dropped it to the floor before climbing onto the high bed and crawling up to kneel beside Drake’s hip. He watched every move with a smile that told her she would not be returning to sleep any time soon.

  She squeaked when he grabbed her, turned her around, and pulled her to lie across his body as if she were a small child. Once she was positioned to his satisfaction, with her head resting on his chest and his arms holding her securely he said, “Now, we’re going to talk.”

  Over the next few minutes, Drake laid out the rules of his house, his family, and his relationship. They were very similar to those she had lived under with Nelson. The biggest difference would be that she would have two men watching her every move instead of just one. Then he began a gentle question and answer session about her life, her likes, dislikes, and experiences in the world of BDSM.

  As the mantle of responsibilities and expectations was laid out Kinsey found herself relaxing more and more. This was exactly what she needed clear-cut boundaries and consequences.

  As they talked, Drake continued to pet her, stroking rough fingertips across her belly and chest. She grew increasingly distracted by his touch, her pussy filling, and overflowing to dampen her thighs with her need for more than just his fingers tracing random patterns across her skin. Her pussy felt so empty. She needed his cock.

  She gasped when his hand suddenly shifted to one nipple, tweaking it harshly. He then pinched it and gave a good twist, causing her to squeak.

  “Now that I have your attention again,” he said, his smirk evident in his tone, “I think it’s time for more showing and less telling.”

  “Yes, Drake,” she whispered.

  Not sure what he expected of her, she waited until the hand still torturing her nipple rose and cupped her chin then maneuvered her head into a position where he could kiss her. Forcing his tongue past her lips and teeth, he thoroughly explored her mouth. They were both breathing heavily when he finally pulled his lips away.

  Before she had a chance to think about what was happening, he again lifted her and rearranged her so she sat astride his thighs instead of across them.

  “Lord almighty, you have beautiful tits.”

  As he spoke, his hands slid up her body until her breasts were lifted in the space between his thumb and index fingers. He leaned forward and moved to her left tit first. After kissing, licking and batting the hard nipple around, he latched on and suckled strongly, sending fire racing through the nerves that connected nipples to clit. When she began to shift on his lap, he gave her left nipple one final kiss before turning and giving the right tit the same thoroughly arousing treatment.

  Her back arched and she moaned when his right hand lifted to keep her left breast company. “Oh, please, Sir,” she breathed as she wrapped both arms around his shoulders and tried to pull him even closer. She needed more…something.

  Both hands dropped to her hips and with an impressive display of strength and coordination, Drake moved them both down the bed. They ended up with him lying flat and her sitting with her pussy lips spread wide and hugging the underside of his cock.

  Her hips began to shift with the need for a touch, a stroke, just a little pressure on her clit. Instead, she got a sharp smack on the inside of one thigh. “No coming without permission,” Drake ordered in a growly voice.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, working to fight her body’s need.

  She watched as he reached up to the nightstand for a small tin box. He brought it down and held it out to her. “Take one and glove me up, sugar britches.”

  The box was obviously an antique. Lifting the lid, she smiled as the box no longer held candies as it advertised, but condoms. “Inventive,” she said as she took one.

  “Keeps the cleaning lady from screeching about condoms lying all over the place,” he said with a smirk. “Now get busy or you’ll be receiving your first punishment.”

  Not certain if he was teasing or not, Kinsey shifted back as she opened the condom pack. Tossing the foil pack to the floor, she fit the condom over Drake’s bulbous burgundy-tinted head. She took her time rolling the latex down the long, thick, pulsating length of Drake’s cock. Once she reached the root, her fingers dropped and caressed his scrotum.
  He grabbed her hands and pulled them to rest high on his chest. “Did I tell you to play with my balls?”

  “No, Sir,” she answered, dropping her eyes to where her hands rested just above his pecs.

  “I want in you, girl. Right now.”

  With that, he pulled her a few inches higher on his body. After lifting her to rest on her knees and lower legs, he rubbed the tip of his cock up and down, from the top of her slit all the way back to her puckered star. He traced the trail down her centerline several times before, and with each pass, Kinsey’s body drew closer and closer to the edge.

  “Please, Sir,” she whimpered, opening eyes she had not remembered closing.

  “Need to ride a cock, do you, girl?” he asked through tight lips as if he, too, were having trouble maintaining control.

  “Yes, Sir,” Kinsey managed to get out though most of her mental functions had gone offline. All she could think of was that thick pole of flesh filling up her emptiness.

  Drake tucked the tip of his cock to her wide open and wet pussy opening. Then his hands grabbed her hips and pulled her down until she was resting fully on his pelvis. She sucked a sharp breath and her entire body went stiff at the rapid filling. He held her in place and gave her pussy a chance to adjust to the intruder, and soon everything in her slowly relaxed.

  Only then did Drake use his hands on her hips to guide her up and down his cock. He kept them at a slow pace, much too slow for Kinsey’s likes, but he seemed to be waiting for something.

  “Oh boy, playtime,” Logan said when he stepped into the room a few minutes later.

  “About time you got your ass back in here.” Drake’s voice was deeper and more growly than before, sending shivers from Kinsey’s clit out through her entire body. “Get naked and join us.”

  Kinsey’s eyes were closed but she felt the mattress move under them as Logan crawled onto the bed with the.

  “Suck his cock, girl,” Drake ordered as his hands moved her hips up and down in a twisty motion, which caused his cock to touch every millimeter of her pussy as she began to move faster.


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