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  Chapter Ten

  Thursday morning, Lyssa forced herself out of the house, which she had not left since Theo had dropped her off Monday afternoon. She spent every minute possible in front of her computer, writing a story that had her laughing and crying as she wrote. Even when she tried to finish and walk away from the story, it pulled her back so she ended up at the dinner table writing while she ate, or sitting in front of the television writing the next scene or two on her tablet to be added once she returned to her computer.

  Friday morning, she woke to a text message from Theo.

  Coffee shop this morning.

  She hesitated a moment to think about it before responding.


  He repeated, Coffee shop this morning.

  I’ll try, she texted back.

  Don’t try. Do.

  Daddy’s orders.

  His last two words send a shiver through her as she smiled.

  Though she had been so tied up in her work that she really had not given their last conversation too much thought, she hoped to see him. The book was still rocking along, but she knew she needed to get out of the house, and this would be the perfect reason. Once she saw Theo and explain what she’d been up to for the past three days, she would run to the grocery store for a stack of frozen meals before returning home and getting back to work.

  But before she went anywhere, she needed a shower and clean clothes.

  An hour later, Lyssa walked into the Café Coffee with her notebook computer in her bag. She was exhausted from working nonstop for the past three days, but she was hoping that, if she really focused, she would have the story finished by the end of the day. Then she planned to find Theo and throw herself at his feet, begging him to be her Daddy again.

  But Theo wasn’t there. She set up at the corner table as she normally did, ordered a hot chocolate, and threw herself back into her writing. She lost track of time until Carol stopped by the table, forcing her to emerge from the story.

  “Looks like you broke your block,” Carol said with a grin.

  Lyssa returned the woman’s smile. “Yes, I did. With a little help.”

  “Well, your helper asked me to give you this, if you came in this morning,” Carol said as she handed Lyssa a folded piece of paper.

  “Thanks, I think,” Lyssa said, unfolding the paper.

  The note made her smile.


  7 p.m. this evening at my home

  Wear clothes you won’t miss if destroyed

  Bring Squish

  Lyssa giggled at the note, wondering what had prompted such an invitation. Then she realized he was probably as anxious to see her as she was to be back under his care. If only the book was finished.

  “Thanks, Carol,” Lyssa said as she finished the last two sips of her hot chocolate.

  Pulling out her phone, she texted her Daddy.

  I’ll be there at 7.

  After shutting down her computer and packing everything away, she left the coffee shop. She made a quick run through the grocery store, picking up enough food to get her through a few days, though she had a feeling she’d been at Theo’s house most of the time in the future. Then she went home. As soon as she put away the groceries, Lyssa headed into her office, more determined than ever to finish the book.

  * * * *

  Theo’s gaze bounced from the clock on the living room wall to the front door. Seven twenty-two. Lyssa was twenty-two minutes late for their date. At least dinner would keep while he tracked down his wayward Little girl.

  Or had she changed her mind since this morning? Had she decided she didn’t want to be his Little girl?

  Well, if she had, she would be telling him in person. After turning down the stove to keep dinner warm, he headed out. As he drove, Theo remembered that Lyssa herself had said she had attention problems. Was she so caught up in her work that she’d forgotten their day? He hoped that was the answer and not that she had decided a long weekend with him was all she wanted.

  By the time he drove down her block, he had reined his anger in, and become dominant Daddy ready to face his wayward Little girl. Pulling into her driveway, he parked behind her SUV, whose presence assured him that she was home.

  At the front door, he rang the bell, then knocked. When she still didn’t answer the door, he tried the doorknob. His frown deepened when the knob turned, and the door swung open.

  Pulling out the gun he carried in the small of his back, he stepped inside, moving as quietly as he knew how. He kept the gun by his side, afraid of scaring Lyssa with the weapon. He worked his way through the house systematically. The living room was empty, as was the small dining room.

  The kitchen counters were covered with empty plastic frozen dinner plates, silverware, and empty soda cans. The garbage was filled with frozen dinner boxes. It looked like she hadn’t been eating anything but premade meals for days. It became obvious to him that Lyssa’s ADD/OCD had kicked in, she was caught up in something heavy, and probably didn’t realize what time it was.

  He returned his gun to its holster but kept a hand on it as he worked his way down the hall. The first room down the hall was empty except for a handful of boxes. The next room was the bathroom, also empty. Her bedroom was next and looked like a bomb had gone off. The bed was rumpled and unmade, there were clothes on the floor and draped over the chair in the corner.

  He moved toward the last doorway, relaxing when he heard tapping and soft music playing. Moving into the doorway, he pulled his hand from the small of his back, crossed his arms over his chest, and leaned against the doorframe.

  “And submit,” Lyssa said, hitting one last button. “Please let her like it.”

  She took a moment to stretch in her chair before she pulled a stick drive from the computer and then shut the machine down. Only then did Theo clear his throat.

  Whirling in her chair, Lyssa stared at him, clearly frightened. “Daddy? What are you doing here? I thought I was supposed to come to your house.”

  Theo straightened before nodding. The anger that had morphed into worry now shifted again, to caregiver mindset. “You were, about an hour ago. I got worried and came over to check on you, make sure you were all right. From what I’ve seen, you’ve been naughty and not taking proper care of yourself.”

  Lyssa shifted in the chair, looking nervous before she sat up and put on a brave face. “I just submitted a book to my agent. A book that I wrote start to finish in the last four days. I wrote an entire book in four days. Can you believe it?”

  “Congratulations. I have no doubt that you can do anything you set your mind to. Problem is, your life is out of balance. You just spent four days doing nothing but writing. You haven’t cleaned up the kitchen, or done laundry, or, from the smell of this room, taken a shower since returning from my care. And you forgot about our date.”

  “I didn’t forget, I just wanted to finish what I was doing so I could focus on you,” Lyssa said, the brave front thinning. “And I don’t really smell, do I?”

  Theo smirked as she lifted an arm and sniffed at her pit. “Oh, yuck, I guess I do smell. I’m sorry, Daddy. I was hoping to be finished before now, but I had a couple extra scenes to add that lead into the next book that’s already demanding to be started.”

  “Not tonight, little bird. And probably not tomorrow, either. Now, I want you to go take a shower and clean up. While you do that, I’ll pack your bag for the weekend and clean up the kitchen. We’ll address your punishment when we get to my house.”


  Theo smiled though he knew it was not a happy one when Lyssa pressed back in her chair. “Yes, punishment. Little girls who do not take care of themselves, and who don’t show up for dates with their Daddies earn punishments. Especially when Daddy had to do some fancy talking to get out of family dinner tonight. Now let’s get busy, or do you wish for me to add to your punishment?”

  Lyssa quickly shook her head. “No, Daddy. No extra punishment.

  With that, Lyssa stood and hurried out of her office and into the bathroom. Theo waited until he heard the shower come on before he headed into her bedroom to clean up and pick Lyssa’s clothes for the weekend.

  * * * *

  Lyssa walked into Theo’s home hesitantly. The victorious feeling of writing and finishing her book in a record four days was overshadowed by the nervous Little girl feeling of what her Daddy had planned for the weekend. Once he closed the door and dropped her bag on the floor, she turned and threw herself into his arms, giving him a big hug.

  “I love you, Daddy,” she said with a big smile, hoping to diffuse his solemn mood.

  He returned the hug and kissed the top of her head. “I love you, too, little bird. But you’ve earned a spanking, and no amount of sweet loving is going to get you out of it. Now, come along and let’s get the bad stuff over with, and then we can enjoy dinner and the rest of the weekend.”

  Taking her hand, he pulled her along behind him to the nursery. Flipping on the lights as they entered, he crossed to the straight-backed wooden chair in the corner. He did not release her until he pulled the chair away from the wall and sat.

  “Strip,” he said, giving her a look that told her not to bother arguing.

  Lyssa moved slowly as she took off her clothes. She took her time folding them and placing them on the dresser across the room. Once she was naked, she turned and looked at Theo sitting across the room. Her fumbling striptease had given her Daddy a hard-on that caused the front of his jeans to bulge out.

  He held out one hand to her, silently indicating she join him. Taking baby steps, she crossed to the room and, with his help, laid herself over his lap. His denim-covered cock pressed hard into her hip as he adjusted her, then wrapped an arm around her back and side to hold her in place.

  “Because this is your first real punishment, I’ll go easy on you. Twenty spanks,” Theo said as the hand not holding her side began to briskly rub circles over her ass and upper thighs.

  Lyssa wasn’t sure if she was supposed to respond, so she bit her lip and took a breath. Despite finishing and submitting the book, she was in the wrong. She should have called Theo and told him she would be late. She should have taken better care of herself, should have eaten better, showered, practiced balance.

  That was why she needed a Daddy in her life.

  That was why she needed Theo in her life.

  And that was why she would accept this spanking with grace and without screaming, crying, and trying to escape.

  That intention lasted until Theo’s hand landed with the first smack. The crack of hard hand against soft ass broke the silence, and a second later, pain and fire in the shape of a hand registered in her brain. By the time she cried out, a second spot of fire had sparked on her opposite ass cheek.

  After the third stroke, Lyssa’s best intentions went out the window as tears welled up and overflowed, dripping to the floor. As the pace of the smacks picked up, she lost count and gave herself over to the pain. She sobbed and began to scream out apologies for her bad behavior and promises to do better in the future.

  It took a moment for her to realize the spanking had stopped. She had no fight in her when Theo lifted her, then turned her around so she was sitting across his lap. She hissed at the pain of the hard, denim-covered muscles against her still burning ass before melting against him to hide her face in the side of his neck and recover.

  “Shhhh, little bird. You survived your first punishment, and all is forgiven. As soon as we get you dressed in your nightshirt, we’ll go eat dinner,” Theo said as he cuddled her close.

  Lyssa was surprised that between the tears, and Theo’s forgiveness, she felt lighter and cleaner than she had since seeing him standing in her office. “I am hungry,” she finally said, which was echoed by the growling of her stomach, though the ache between her legs was nearly as demanding.

  “Well, let’s get you dressed so we can eat,” Theo said even as he stroked a hand between her legs, gathering up the juices that overflowed her pussy on two fingers. She sucked a breath as he slid them into her before pulling them and sticking them into his mouth. “Mmmm, you taste so good.”

  Before she could demand they hold off on dinner until he fucked her hard, Lyssa climbed from his lap and scampered across the room before he could do anything further.

  “Your nightshirt is on the bed,” Theo said, sounding amused at her actions.

  Lyssa found the oversized T-shirt and quickly pulled it on, smoothing it down over her curves to where it ended at mid-thigh.

  “Okay, Daddy, I’m ready. Let’s go have dinner,” she said as she turned and headed to the doorway.

  Chapter Eleven

  Theo’s hard-as-steel cock had him wishing they could skip dinner, but his woman needed sustenance. Seeing his woman in the cute red nightshirt with cartoon flowers and bumblebee on the front he had bought her during their time apart, made him want to forget dinner until after he satisfied another hunger. The hunger for his woman that had been growing all week.

  Lying the pad and pen that he’d taken from her the weekend before on the table in front of her, he said, “You can make notes or write, or whatever you want to do while I clean up the kitchen. Then we’re going to celebrate your accomplishment with another new experience for my Little girl.”

  Lyssa looked at him with wide, surprised eyes as she pulled her writing supplies closer. “Okay, Daddy. Now get busy washing those dishes,” she said with a smirk as she picked up the pen and opened the notebook to a new page.

  Theo watched another moment as she began writing before turning his attention to cleaning up the kitchen. It didn’t take long to wash the dishes and set the kitchen to rights. He wrapped the rest of the lasagna and put it in the refrigerator. Leftover lasagna was one of his favorite foods, and they would be enjoying it at least once over the weekend.

  Once he finished, he returned to the table and watched Lyssa’s intense concentration once again at work. He waited patiently until she stopped and looked up five minutes later.

  “Welcome back,” he said, grinning as her cheeks pinked up.

  “Sorry,” she said, clipping the pen to the page she had been writing on before closing the book and sliding it to the middle of the table. “So, what are we doing now, Daddy?”

  Theo smiled as he reached into the pocket of his jeans. “I love you, Lyssa Decker.”

  “I love you, too,” she responded with a smile.

  “I know we haven’t known each other long, but I want you in my life now and forever,” Theo said as he pulled out the bracelet he’d been carrying for days. He took a moment and unlocked the small lock with a key from his keyring. “I want you to be my Little girl, my Big girl, my old lady, my everything. I want you to move in here so I can help you learn balance, and deal with your ADD and OCD.”

  Lyssa’s eyes grew wide and filled with tears. She pushed from her chair and hurried around the table, climbing up to straddle his lap with only a slight hiss as her still tender ass met his muscular legs. “Yes, Daddy. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,” she yelled, punctuating each yes with a kiss.

  Theo grabbed her left wrist and pulled it between them. As he wrapped the bracelet around it, he said, “Until we find something better, this will act as both your submissive collar and engagement ring. You’re to never take it off.” He threaded a small lock through the chain’s two ends and snapped it closed. A small tug proved it was secure.

  “Daddy’s girl,” Lyssa read the engraved plate on the opposite side from the lock. “I love it, Daddy. I love you.”

  Lyssa’s exuberant acceptance sent Theo’s arousal skyward. It was time to stop talking and start celebrating. Wrapping his arms around his Little girl, he lifted her with him as he stood and carried her down the hall to the master bedroom. They had all night to celebrate, and he didn’t want to waste another moment.

  Setting her on the bed, he pulled her nightshirt off and tossed it on the floor near the nightstand so it would
be close by in case she needed it. He then turned his attention to stripping off his own clothes. As soon as he was naked, he stalked to the nightstand where he stored the sex toys that he had taken from her house the previous week.

  Opening the drawer, he pulled out the one toy she had never played with. With her watching silently, Theo straightened the elastic straps and pulled on the imitation cock. Once it was positioned where he wanted it, he turned and waggled his hips at Lyssa.

  As expected, she giggled at his double-dicked appearance. His cock pointed up his belly while the imitation pointed straight at her. In the next instant, she sobered and looked concerned. “What’s going in which hole?” she asked as one hand went down to cover her mound.

  Reaching into the nightstand, he pulled out a condom and covered his cock. “Hands and knees at the edge of the bed, little bird. I’m going to break your anal cherry while fucking both holes. Double penetration without having to share your attentions,” Theo said as he tossed the packet on the floor and grabbed the bottle of lube and slicked up both appendages.

  Lyssa gave a squeal and clapped with excitement before moving into position. Foreplay had never been his strong suit, but something about this woman made him want to plant his cock in her and never pull it out again.

  Dripping additional slick on his fingers, he stepped in behind her and after kissing his way down her spine, stroked a finger over and around her puckered star. Her breathy groan and wiggle of her ass proved she was as aroused as he was. That plus her pussy was wide open and overflowing with her juices.

  “Relax your ass, little bird,” he said as he pressed a finger through the muscle guarding her virgin hole.

  His finger sank, and he began to move it in and out. Once it relaxed enough, he added a second and then a third finger. His other hand went further down between her legs. Two fingers stroked between her labial lips, on either side of her knotted-up clit while his thumb entered her pussy.


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